Urban Dead (Browser based zombie apocalypse)

I must have spent about 40AP trying to find a bloody DNA extracter in the closest NT building to Tasarius. Found about 8 Necrotech syringes (which I can't use yet) but no DNA extracter :(
This game looks interesting. Just signed up and am stranded on the streets in Brooksville :/
Every building I've come across is barricaded and I can't get in anywhere. Is there anyway of getting in? I wasted 10AP trying to punch through a barricade to no effect lol.
You can't enter a building that has been barricaded to heavily barricaded or higher from directly outside. When you get the "Free Running" skill, you can enter a building at Heavily barricaded or above by moving from inside an adjacent building.

Typically, important buildings that are barricaded heavily have designated "Free Running" entry points nearby that are maintained at "very strongly barricaded" or lighter.

Give the wiki a good read: http://wiki.urbandead.com
It's gone crazy, Zeds everywhere. Was there a consensus on where we are moving to by the way?

Got you :)

Think they want to take a pop at Ackland. Can't see it happening though the zed numbers the way they are as Taursis would go straight down. Struggling as it is, dreading what tonight will bring!
Just took out one of the zeds and had another follow and attack me as I went through the building! In Club Kick with Capt Grimes.
Caiger is holding strong right now, surprisingly enough. NW and SE corners are powered, and there are currently no zeds inside. Latrobe is in survivor hands, as well. I am cautiously optimistic!
Spurdell Rd PD is under attack. I killed/dumped 3 and secured the doors but I'm out of AP and had to bounce. 1 left inside, 7 outside.
Going to move up to Ackland as well, fancy somewhere new to play

EDIT: I really am so **** at getting about. Walked straight past the mall in Havercroft and wasted AP heading back south to it..

JUST got into the church next to it on my last AP
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Actually they might have judging by the zed and body in there lol. cleaned the place out and upped cades a bit. Need to build up some ap though. So nice having everything right at your fingertips again. mall search rates rock
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