Urban Dead (Browser based zombie apocalypse)

CragleT I came over to say hello, then next click a zed had killed you and left :(, would have had a go at the zed if I saw him in progress!

edit: found him and killed him :D
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How annoying, ALL 3 of my alts have just use up all their AP's and all are sitting 1xp away from their next level. What are the odds eh? :p
Zombies around Willibrord's hospital and Beer towers. Currently in Bugby Bank and all alone...

Noob question, how do you acquire xp? Just by attacking zombies? I'm only armed with a ski pole and 4 pistol rounds, finding it very hard to get xp
Zombies around Willibrord's hospital and Beer towers. Currently in Bugby Bank and all alone...

Noob question, how do you acquire xp? Just by attacking zombies? I'm only armed with a ski pole and 4 pistol rounds, finding it very hard to get xp

I have an alt in St. Wills so you are welcome there. The good thing is, there's always a zombie or two about so I generally jump outside, whack a few, jump back in. Every now and again it needs the help of a someone to clear it out and re-barricade though.

XP is hard to come by in the early stages. But can be gained in several ways,
Hitting zombies
Killing zombie
Healing survivors
Taking DNA samples from zombies
Revivifying somebody

To name a few, best thing to do is get enough XP for Free Running and then find a group.

Edit: Actually, scrap the St. Wills idea, there are 3 inside now, 2 outside and no cades! I've had to bale out of there.
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Soldier. I am currently in Bugby bank with 4AP remaining.


First Aid Kits :)

Best Place to get them from is a hospital. When you get free running get to a hospital with a running generator and keep searching the area. You will start finding FAK's. Always handy have some on you.
Best advice I got was get a fire axe or knife to begin with, first level up get free running as that helps massively in staying alive, then next level up go for either axe or knife profiency.

To level up at the beginning its tough, best thing to do is as Egon said, find somewhere you can enter and hold up there, nip out and attack some zombies before heading back, rinse and repeat.

Will miss a fair bit at first but once you get the levels up you will quickly become quite good, hit rates of 65% :)
First Aid Kits :)

Best Place to get them from is a hospital. When you get free running get to a hospital with a running generator and keep searching the area. You will start finding FAK's. Always handy have some on you.

Ah, didn't know you should keep searching an area. I thought you could only search somewhere once. What sort of items can I expect to find in a bank?

Best advice I got was get a fire axe or knife to begin with, first level up get free running as that helps massively in staying alive, then next level up go for either axe or knife profiency.

To level up at the beginning its tough, best thing to do is as Egon said, find somewhere you can enter and hold up there, nip out and attack some zombies before heading back, rinse and repeat.

Will miss a fair bit at first but once you get the levels up you will quickly become quite good, hit rates of 65% :)

Thanks for the advice. I have started an alt who is a firefighter. Noticed a massive difference starting off with an axe.
I've revived one of you, I'm back in Tarasius trying to deal with 3 zeds inside but no ammo left!

Ok this has turned bad. Now 'cades completely down and 7 zeds inside. I'm healing everyone I can but now out of FAKs, ammo and AP... Help needed!

There's at least 5 OcUk in there, time to dish out some pain!
Just closed the doors, popped 2 zeds and took a third down to 4hp with my last AP. Now I'm just a meat shield. Only 4 zeds effectively, easy work for three guys to clean them out and recade the building right up.
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