Urban Dead (Browser based zombie apocalypse)

What is the best way to gain experience points and get some skills?

I am a Zombie :D http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=2025326

I have a zombie alt who I've almost maxed out on zombie skills, level 18 so far. Good fun to play... The best way to level a zombie is 2 things, firstly find a horde, stick with it, follow it, listen out for groans/bellows etc. Zeds are far stronger in groups. Secondly, develop your attack skills, zombie attacks generally suck, so developing them are pretty important.

Lurching gait and ankle grab are pretty essential early on too. Makes getting around and dealing with death less of a pita.

My Zed is currently in Pitneybank, seems a good mix of zeds and survivors so XP is plentiful :)
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v4por shot you with a shotgun for 10 damage. (8 hours and 45 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again.
v4por said "CrockUk scum." (8 hours and 44 minutes ago)
v4por shot you with a pistol for 5 damage. (8 hours and 44 minutes ago)
You were killed by v4por

Flowers skumbag ! Shoot on sight
both I think. I searched the thread and found a post by him... he has 3 alts.

Looks like things got a bit hairy in Tasarius last night, woke up to a wall of zombie spam. I assumed I'd been killed by one, but no, another PITA FoD PKer

Another for the blacklist - http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=955747

I'm over in bragg... in fact there's a few of us there.
I'm starting to regret calling myself OcUKEgon.

Unfortunately Egon had already being taken and I thought adding OcUK at the front was a good idea at the time, now unfrotunately, it seems I've put a nice big label on me for the FoD.

Might move him out and bring an alt over here.
It's tough at the mo with so much Zed pressure can't spare time to deal with the Flowers. I've been pk'ed a bit recently and will be tough to hang onto Taursis at this rate.
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