Urban Dead (Browser based zombie apocalypse)

^ Unlucky, I must admit though I did chuckle when I saw he'd killed you with a length of tinsel, what a way to go!
Get yourself over to Bragg and I'll revive ya.

Can't right now, not enough AP. The annoying thing is I had just used 30AP to scout Tasarius, then not 30mins later I'm dead!

Will be begging here for a revive tomorrow :)
Now, that's what I call service :p thanks!

Is Herbert PD still in ruins? Where is the next nearest place for ammo?
Herbert is gone, being zed ransacked. Bid god PD is about 4 blocks east and 1 south of Herbert.

Genny drop rates are gone :( spent over 70 ap over the last few days and no find :(
Be careful if you're heading over to Bidgood Way Police Dept a lot of the area is over-barricaded. I had to get in via the factory 2 blocks south.

Also, search rates are just as bad here. I've found 1 clip in 2 days :(
Found a genny at last and got club trebley (or whatever) 3 blocks north of Taursis all repaired, powered, up to EHB and the zed dead.

No real use but been wanting to do that for days :p
Dear Street PD is 2 blocks SW of Herbert, I don't know what state of repair that is in? Judge Road PD is 6 blocks to the west, 1 block north from Herbert. Bidgood Way PD is 2 blocks east from Herbert, Dore Street PD is 3 blocks south of Bidgood. All via free running.
Dear Street PD is 2 blocks SW of Herbert, I don't know what state of repair that is in? Judge Road PD is 6 blocks to the west, 1 block north from Herbert. Bidgood Way PD is 2 blocks east from Herbert, Dore Street PD is 3 blocks south of Bidgood. All via free running.

Thanks for that Rojin. I desperately need some ammo. 10% hit chance with my axe is next to useless
hey guys, kinda new to this game. Any tips you wanna share?

Yep. What class did you start as?

If Fireman, use your axe to build xp. You'll want free running asap to get into buildings that are higher than very strongly barricaded. healing with med packs is another good way to gain xp, the diagnosis skill helps with that.

Where's everyone getting ammo from now that Herbert's down btw?
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