Just been PK'd by Killer Scarecrow in Tarasius - http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=1973265
First time I've been PK'd - at least he finished me off in style "Killer Scarecrow garotted you with a length of tinsel for 1 damage. (2 hours and 16 minutes ago)", currently lying outside the hospital.
Get yourself over to Bragg and I'll revive ya.
Dear Street PD is 2 blocks SW of Herbert, I don't know what state of repair that is in? Judge Road PD is 6 blocks to the west, 1 block north from Herbert. Bidgood Way PD is 2 blocks east from Herbert, Dore Street PD is 3 blocks south of Bidgood. All via free running.
Thanks for that Rojin. I desperately need some ammo. 10% hit chance with my axe is next to useless
At Bragg again, once back up and running will stash up on needles
hey guys, kinda new to this game. Any tips you wanna share?