Urban Dead (Browser based zombie apocalypse)

Just signed up to this game. Used up my first 50 AP wandering around abit and took 6HP off a lone zombie with my axe. Not really sure what I'm doing, haha!
33 Zeds on Taursis.

Should be a fun evening!

Make sure you are searching tonight if you have the AP, search rates have rocketed! With 30ap I got 8 shells and 6 pistol clips, yummy! :D
Wow, pretty massive strike! Candy Thief, Plinkton, Julie Marsh and Jim Mclusky all took me down (because I'm double hard lol). Can't access at work (only on phone) so will link to their profiles later.

Off to bragg I go, I've one syringe on me so if I get revived I can revive someone else.
Woah, what happened?! I just hopped over to Tarasius from Herbert and found 14 zeds inside 17 outside and lots of blood...

I went offline around midnight. 18 Zeds out, loads of bodies but no worried.

Came on this morning Taursis had been stormed in one go by about 30+ Zeds who had all jumped up and 6-10 pk'ers. Place wiped out in one night of blood lol.

I got out just alive and hiding out in Bidhod, expecting the pk'ers to be mopping up the survivors over next few days. :(
Anyone in Foulkes Village willing to cure this zombie? I keep rattling on the door of a Nano-tec facility, and have gained entry a few times but no-one ever seems to realize I want cured. I close the door behind me so as not to leave the place lying open and still I get shot and dumped outside on a far too regular basis.
I nipped out over to Herbert to grab some ammo, fell asleep there and woke up to carnage at Taur, looks like I made a lucky escape.
Thanks for revive Howie. Had a few syringes on me so revived 2 more OcUKers.
Julie Marsh was there (she did some damage in Tasarius), so left her on 5hp :D
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