Urban Dead (Browser based zombie apocalypse)

if its any consolation dekez my Zed alt took a good chunk out of Candy Thief the other day although it still needs a few upgrades to do some decent damage!
I just kept getting killed in the starting areas by pk'ers who assumingly had nothing better to do so after about 6 new characters, all of which met a grisly end at the hands of these high level bullies I just gave up because I really didn't want to play as a zombie.

Well, not when I became one pretty unfairly - if it had been a natural progression of me making mistakes and then becoming a victim, fair enough.

Shame really, it does seem like a pretty decent time-waster.

I know, 'crai moar noOb.' right? :D
I just kept getting killed in the starting areas by pk'ers who assumingly had nothing better to do so after about 6 new characters, all of which met a grisly end at the hands of these high level bullies I just gave up because I really didn't want to play as a zombie.

Well, not when I became one pretty unfairly - if it had been a natural progression of me making mistakes and then becoming a victim, fair enough.

Shame really, it does seem like a pretty decent time-waster.

I know, 'crai moar noOb.' right? :D

Once you become a zombie you don't have to stay a zombie. You can be revived and brought back to life. If you make your way over to where we are, we can get you back up and running.... instead of lurching :p

This is the natural way of things in malton :)
Once you become a zombie you don't have to stay a zombie. You can be revived and brought back to life. If you make your way over to where we are, we can get you back up and running.... instead of lurching :p

This is the natural way of things in malton :)

Ahhh, I did not know that. Well that definitely makes things a bit more bearable. Might just give it another chance then, get myself cured and plot my vengeance on those who killed me!
Ahhh, I did not know that. Well that definitely makes things a bit more bearable. Might just give it another chance then, get myself cured and plot my vengeance on those who killed me!

Getting revives are easier when you are in a group and they know your profile, they can recognise you as a zombie then.

If you're not, then standing in cemeterys, designated revive points, sometimes outside of NT buildings and hospitals is your best bet. But it's a waiting game really, as you're relying on someone randomly walking by, taking a sample and reviving you. You could also edit your zombie description to say please revive.... it might help.
Started this game couple of weeks back.

Extremely slow getting to that first 100xp to level up for Free-Running. Any tips? I've run out of ammo (practically impossible to replenish so far without free running) and I've taken to going at the occasional zombie I come across with bottles of wine! :P
if its any consolation dekez my Zed alt took a good chunk out of Candy Thief the other day although it still needs a few upgrades to do some decent damage!

Nice :D

I'm hanging out in St Wilibrord's Hospital, 4 west, 2 north from Tarasius. It's powered and EHB, a couple other 1111s here as well.
Started this game couple of weeks back.

Extremely slow getting to that first 100xp to level up for Free-Running. Any tips? I've run out of ammo (practically impossible to replenish so far without free running) and I've taken to going at the occasional zombie I come across with bottles of wine! :P

Best thing to do is to search a fire station (often they are VSB) for a axe and start hacking away. :)
ffs, that's typical - my human character was barricaded up in a dark EHB last night which got torn down and killed by about 6 Zeds from ZombieFark and my Zombie character got taken down to 10 health and revd - mutter mutter
Tried to rescue Herbert but the dev must be having his see hard on week. All skills maxed and hit with 1 pistol shot from 20 fired and 1 shotgun from 8 shots.

Backed off to bidgod
Tried to rescue Herbert but the dev must be having his see hard on week. All skills maxed and hit with 1 pistol shot from 20 fired and 1 shotgun from 8 shots.

Backed off to bidgod

I totally hear you, I've been wailing away at someone with my 50% hit rate and got contact about 3 time out of a 30 or so :confused:
Few survivors in Bidgod pd (1 south, 4 east of Herbert) if anyone wants to join us. Search rates are good, 14 shotgun shells, 3 pistols and 8 clips in 50ap. Though no shotgun :p
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