Urban Dead (Browser based zombie apocalypse)

seems like I died and got chucked out on the street... now swaying softly in Bragg Park if anyone fancys reviving me :)

There appears to be 7 zombies outside Tarasius, one outside Gilling road, 0 by the station and 3 outside Herbert (+ Daniel, is that you Egon?)
Down to 5 in Taursius, we need backup there. I revived one in Bragg park (hopefully you siliconslave, for some reason you're not on my friends list as didn't list you there)

Ran out of AP so skipped over north to the factory
seems like I died and got chucked out on the street... now swaying softly in Bragg Park if anyone fancys reviving me :)

There appears to be 7 zombies outside Tarasius, one outside Gilling road, 0 by the station and 3 outside Herbert (+ Daniel, is that you Egon?)

No OcUKEgon is me ;)
Down to 5 in Taursius, we need backup there. I revived one in Bragg park (hopefully you siliconslave, for some reason you're not on my friends list as didn't list you there)

It wasn't i'm afraid, but Leroy picked me up - i'm: http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=2033138

Just revived someone at Bragg. Was that you Siliconslave?

Stocking up on ammo now at Herbert. Zombies seem to be scattered all over the place at the moment

it was indeed - nice one, thank!

No OcUKEgon is me ;)
that'd make sense :D
Guys...sorry...completely missed the 5pm raid. I headed over but 15 zeds in there now.

I've headed over to Matthias hospital now to stock up on faks, nt building and pd nearby as well. Although 40ap in a lit hospital and I only got 3 faks :/. I'm hoping the pd will be more productive than herbert.
Herbert had a break in last night. Cleared it and caded back up to ehb. But there were 19zeds outside. Haven't checked this morning. If I'm not dead, I think I have a toolbox to patch Tarasius up with.
Im running low on ammo and medkits, was in Herbet last night but have moved up to tarasius to try and get that up and running again. Just waiting on my AP building up.
Just nipped over, was in the factory looking for fuel for Herbert when noticed Taur was looking in good nick again, nipped over and installed a genny but no fuel still. Looks like we got this back if everyone gets over.

Only got a few AP left which I will use for cades if it starts dropping
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