Urban Dead (Browser based zombie apocalypse)

What/where is this Tarsius?

As a Zombie it's where I want to be haha.

I barely see a handful of people/other zombies at the moment which means getting xp is slow.

I am currently in Jensentown.

Edit. I have located it and I am on my way to you people.....slowly lol.
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Can you please stop barricading, it's making it harder to get my intake of brains!
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Rojin cheers for the revive, watch your back in langman though, It's just you and 10 zeds! Healed you up.
if I had any AP and Ammo left I'd be right there, need a few days of searching to get back in the game I'm afraid - had a bad case of the dead for a while, but I'm feeling much better now :)
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