Urban Dead (Browser based zombie apocalypse)

I went zed hunting and killed one, but the pd was heavily caded so I'm now passed out outside barbera hos with zeds all round me. Soon I should wake up long enough to jump inside though

Edit: phew, made it back inside safely. Looks like someone's been at our barricades and there's a body outside?
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Vel Damas stabbed you with a knife for 2 damage. (4 days ago) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again.
Vel Damas said "OH GOD I thought I was attacking the zombies! D'oh!" (4 days ago)
Vel Damas said "Sorry Davies, wasn't thinking!" (4 days ago)

Vel Damas stabbed you with a knife for 2 damage. (4 days ago) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again.
Vel Damas said "OH GOD I thought I was attacking the zombies! D'oh!" (4 days ago)
Vel Damas said "Sorry Davies, wasn't thinking!" (4 days ago)


Sorry, but I laughed.

I had an unexpectedly quick trip to the mall. Brought back a radio transmitter and a generator but we are out of fuel. Cross Auto Repair is two blocks away to the SW if anyone is up to it. I'd go but I'm sleeping.

We should also keep our radios and the transmitter tuned to (26.43 MHz). It's what Caiger Mall is transmitting on, this way we can keep in touch when on supply runs and be ready to join the defences if attacked.

I will be able to revive someone tomorrow, if needed. I only have one syringe, so first come first serve. Just choose a block close by with no other zombies and post your location here. Or simply find the nearest cemetery, they're usually revive points.
I setup a generator at the Gresley building to the north east of Hutchinson, it's also at VSB so we can start expanding our territory
Made it! I went exploring the nearby buildings but couldn't get in any of them. Where should I be exploring/searching that I can get in?
Im dead outside and am now a zombie! will head of to the nearest cemetery when i have some AP's again.
The police station gods have been kind to me today. I'm now sitting on 2 shotties, 2 pistols, 54rds of pistol ammo and 11 shotgun shells. I've had to throw away 3 pistols and a radio though (already got 3 radios). I've only got so many hands...
Unless people have had more luck than I have on finding open entry police stations to find ammo/guns, I think the idea to start off with is to locate a fire station to get an axe and a hospital to get a med kit.

New characters should start in a medium barricaded building that acts as your safe house to begin with?
Started a char waundered around looking for safe house and used all my ap up what now?

Now you have to wait a while to get more AP beofre you can do anyhting else.

Unless people have had more luck than I have on finding open entry police stations to find ammo/guns, I think the idea to start off with is to locate a fire station to get an axe and a hospital to get a med kit.

New characters should start in a medium barricaded building that acts as your safe house to begin with?

I think that's why which character you pick can have quite the bearing on what you can/should do from the start... I didn't really give it much though when i made my character :p

The one which starts with Free Running would be a good shout to ease finding things and being able to get into places.
I attacked one of the zombies lurking outside the Hutchinson building, nothing personal. Just trying to get XP up to get free running :)
Now you have to wait a while to get more AP beofre you can do anyhting else.

I think that's why which character you pick can have quite the bearing on what you can/should do from the start... I didn't really give it much though when i made my character :p

The one which starts with Free Running would be a good shout to ease finding things and being able to get into places.

Indeed. Wish I'd gone for free running first. I decided to go for fireman, so need to get the exp to learn free running so I can actually get somewhere!
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