Urban Dead (Browser based zombie apocalypse)

I started with free running, and am 20xp away from upping my gun skills so I can start farming more.
Unless people have had more luck than I have on finding open entry police stations to find ammo/guns, I think the idea to start off with is to locate a fire station to get an axe and a hospital to get a med kit.

New characters should start in a medium barricaded building that acts as your safe house to begin with?

Loney Row cop shop is at VHB right now if anyone needs ammo.
I kicked someone's ass outside, then I felt bad and healed one of them. Apparently I cured their infection, but as a zombie they probably have bigger problems lol
used 3 first aid kits on him. I have free running, what should i get as the next skill ? melee, or firearms ?
Depends, do you want to shoot people. In which case firearms!

If you're starting from scratch I'd say get hand to hand combat and an axe first. yeah you do slightly less damage per hit than with a firearm but searching for ammo is super annoying.
Im outside the hutchinson building at the moment but im a zombie. Have given the other zombie a few slaps though!! Thanks to whoever hit me and then healed me lol.
Im outside the hutchinson building at the moment but im a zombie. Have given the other zombie a few slaps though!! Thanks to whoever hit me and then healed me lol.

Ahhh so that's who's lurking outside. I might have come and slapped you about a bit to get some xp :D
I ran out of AP due to getting lost on the way back to my safehouse. Didnt log back in for a couple of days and apparantly now I'm a zombie.

Is there any way to delete my character and start over?
I ran out of AP due to getting lost on the way back to my safehouse. Didnt log back in for a couple of days and apparantly now I'm a zombie.

Is there any way to delete my character and start over?

No point doing that imo its part of the territory yo!

Ask a nice member of OCUK to heal you up!
Loads of places are extremely heavily baricaded or at least I'm not able to enter any of these. Is there any way of gaining entry to these sorts of buildings? I wanna explore police stations etc but can't ever seem to get in them :(
Loads of places are extremely heavily baricaded or at least I'm not able to enter any of these. Is there any way of gaining entry to these sorts of buildings? I wanna explore police stations etc but can't ever seem to get in them :(

Free running skill
I'm stranded inside Lush Auto Repair (VHB) at 45hp if anyone needs any quick xp. I got caught with low ap and fell off a building trying to get to a safer one and had just enough ap to get back in the auto repair shop again.

There's a few (3 last I saw) zeds kicking about in the surrounding streets if anyone wants to blast some.
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