This, cheaters always cry the's never them, always someone else's fault.
Added: to the poster above, it's not about hate, it's just that 9/10 the people creating these threads have cheated, I'm not saying this OP has, but if I was running VAC, there is no way I should lift a ban like this, why did he not get it removed when the hack actually took place, ...more I think about this ...the stronger the smell gets!
It is about hate...
There are a number of posters on this thread who have made assumptions based on nothing but their own prejudices against a perceived cheater. "he has a VAC ban, HE must be a cheater!!!" *get out pitch forks" even though the hijacking and theft from steam accounts is still a massive issue....
As for why the OP wants their old account back...... I asked the very same question.