Valve cooking up something...?

1 Oct 2006
Well you would hope that the guys at Valve have been doing something for the last couple of years as opposed to just churning out hats. :D

It would seem that there is growing hype surrounding two events coming up in the next couple of weeks:

1) GDC 2015 - GLNext Conference (March 5th), lots of hype surrounding an unknown/not labelled item in the SteamDB. Owners of SteamDB say it's not HL3 but it does suggest that Valve have something to present.

2) Chet Faliszek talking at EGZ Rezzed 2015 (13th March), speculation around what he's going to be talking about as all over speakers have a documented topic. Chet does not...

Sacks of salt, speculation, tin foil, dreaming etc. here:


I'm going with common opinion that it's Source 2 as a starter, and then possibly a game to showcase it. My money is on L4D3.

Either way, it's always good to have some noise and hopefully some announcements coming from a great developer.
What was the last game they released? CS:GO? Tbh I'm a bit meh when it comes to Valve now, if they release a game great but I'm indifferent as to when they ever get around to releasing something.
CS:GO and DOTA2 (2012/2013 respectively) were the last two games Valve released I think. Both online multiplayer types.

I'd really like to see a return to Valve making story based games myself, be that the fabled game or some new IP.
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I'm not even going to discuss the elephant in the room. But i cannot believe they just left it at such a huge clifhanger without any closure
I'm not even going to discuss the elephant in the room. But i cannot believe they just left it at such a huge clifhanger without any closure

It's disappointing, but I think the company just wanted to make multiplayer online games so HL2:EP3 just fell to the wayside. Whilst not specifically mentioning EP3, Gabe does elude to this in a recent interview.

Perhaps they were padding themselves with DOTA2/CS:GO/TF2 hats ahead of betting the farm on Source 2 and a slew of long overdue games, if they failed then they'd still have a highly successful and lucrative business to fall back on. Dunno, but I'm struggling for an explanation as to why they wouldn't give the public what they want, give their fans what they want. Unless of course they were just being a bunch of giant douche nozzles.
I thought I heard they were releasing Source Engine 2 with L4D3 as the first release title - no idea on sauce, heard it ages ago and probably totally wrong. Wouldn't; surprise me though

- GP
Doubt we'll see games, just SteamOS/Steam Machine/Steam controller stuff. Though they'd hit jackpot if they coincided HL3's release with SteamOS, but hopefully they don't make it exclusive to that :)
I actively try and avoid giving Valve any more then I have to, I certainty won't buy a single game from them until they finish Gordon’s adventure, I would genuinely not care if they released it with zero innovations or graphical updates on episode 2, JUST FINISH THE GOD DAMN STORY.
I'm going to go against the crowd here. I thought the Half Life games were dull and I gave up not long into the second one. I would be entirely indifferent to a third one.
I also didn't care much for the Left for Dead games.

My love for Valve revolves solely around Steam.
Wouldn't it be great if Valve just released Half-Life 3 one day straight to Steam with no fan-fare or previews or anything.

They've got the money to do it. Must be raking in a fortune from Steam.
I thought I heard they were releasing Source Engine 2 with L4D3 as the first release title - no idea on sauce, heard it ages ago and probably totally wrong. Wouldn't; surprise me though

- GP

I thought I had heard the same thing previously, some time ago, as way of some announcement, but clearly not if no one else has heard of it.
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