Valve cooking up something...?

It cost me £47 in total including shipping

Yea when I saw the total price, I stopped and ordered from the retail store they were saying were taking preorders for early release date (not sure if i'm allowed to say competitors names). Had to buy a bundle which sucked but came to £57 as I had some money off points with a £20 steam wallet card.
The video makes the controller look pretty cool. But I can't think of any situation where I'd prefer to use it over my Keyboard and Mouse unless of course I gamed at the TV....which is where this product is aimed at....I'll see myself out.
My own grip with the controller is the X Y A B buttons, I though Valve would be better than just copy the Xbox controller buttons.

I imagine that would be because a lot of games are set up with the 360 controller in mind (e.g prompts for the "x" button on a controller) and this would just help the steam controller replace it easier.
My own grip with the controller is the X Y A B buttons, I though Valve would be better than just copy the Xbox controller buttons.

Thats because most games have xbox controller support due to microsoft and all.

Doh: beat by Epoch.
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