Valve cooking up something...?

I believe.
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I am quite glad of the VR competition.

The occulus is great but really with only one screen split between two lenses its not going to compete against a real dual screen HMD, the other issue is relatively narrow FOV of 90-100 when it could do much more with decent lenses (i am being a bit of a FOV snob haha).

Back in the 90's the Leep cyberface2 had 145degree horizontal FOV HMD which was only let down by the poor resolution LCD displays of the time (385x119 lcd) but it is possible to get really wide angle FOV, apparently wide angle FOV is even more important than 3D to trick the brain into believing you are there.

Sensics piSight managed 150+degree HFOV at 4200x2400 pixels per eye, but that was made out of a array of 800x600 oled displays, it also costs a ridiculous amount which is why most of those things never really become commercial products as they are priced to sell to university's etc.
Although psisight is a very high quality product but way too expensive for what it is, but as its low volume thats what you expect.

But a lot of the HMD market in the past was massively overpriced I remember a VR setup with one LCD screen and using one of those cheap Fresnel lens magnifiers like you buy on ebay for reading small print coupled with a bicycle helmet hardly a high quality product but was usually sold at £20K+ or some ridiculous price.

But it does not need too, soon we will have 4k phone displays which should drive down the cost and even 180degree HFov should be doable.

180degree HFOV is imax territory which if you could imagine that strapped to your head with a dual 4K displays running at 144hz.

Might need some better GFX cards to run it though :).

This site has a good list of quite a few old HMD's if your interested

Also leep VR were planning some great things (270degree HFOV HMD) and had already built a number of great HMD in the past.
Wish they had done a kickstarter they could have made something incredible.
Morpheus is PS4 only is it not? Hololens is not VR, its AR. That leaves Valve and Rift. Rift have no date on a release and no new SDKs. Valve releasing SDK soon and selling it in 2015. Competition is great but it could cause a problem. If they are not compatible with each other that will really fragment the market. The first to market could win it because its new and its there, however, get it wrong and it could kill VR straight away. Have to persuade people to try it and then buy it, no easy feat considering it will be expensive(ish) and I doubt widely available for you to wander in some where and try. If it goes badly people will not bother buying another headset and they risk the chance of people saying "I tried VR and didn't like it", assuming it is all the same.
Well, it SHOULD be as simple as each headset reading the position of the 2 IR transmitters in the corners of the room and getting it's location and orientation from that. But, yeah, similar to the headset tracking basically :D

This does give me use of me currently empty 3rd bedroom, has a mirrored wardrobe door though so I'm not sure what fun that would cause :D :p :rolleyes: (I may not be serious about actually wandering around a room waving these things about).
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I'm trying to buy one, but it won't let me checkout without entering a State, even with United Kingdom selected. What did you put for that section?

I'm in Manchester so I just put man. The next screen asked me to choose an address from two different ones.
It then allowed me to go to the next screen once I chose the right address
I'm in Manchester so I just put man. The next screen asked me to choose an address from two different ones.
It then allowed me to go to the next screen once I chose the right address

Thanks, i put sur and it suggested surrey in the next section like you said. The price on confirmation changed from 39.99 to 41, did it do that for you as well?
Preordering hardware now. Ugh.

I'd love it if they did a preorder one day and nobody bought it so they took it as a failed launch and canned it. :D

Still interested in the pad, but will wait to see if they're any good I think.
Wish they came out with a tech demo of Source 2 and the demo was a hint at HL3......Ohh wait, I just woke up.
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