Valve cooking up something...?

Old school gamer. Will this not kill your eyes with strain?

Love the idea of a VR headset for Elite Dangerous. Until today I thought really there was only one option now I see two. If it means developers upping their game it can only be a good thing.
I really do wonder what's going on with HL3, presumably they would want a new engine for it so id expect that's being worked on. Hard to believe its almost 11 years after HL2 and near 8 years after episode 2 left us on a large Cliffhanger :eek:.

Just seems weird it all went by the wayside and Episode 3 never appeared and that since then they've really dodged questions on anything relating to EP 3 or Halflife 3. You'd think by now some significant progress must have been made on another instalment or a new engine for it, if not its a scary thought as to how long we still have to wait to get our hands on it :(

Totally agree. I remember playing TFC and thinking TF2 would be out soon! :eek: But it certainly was worth waiting for.

Ultimately, I prefer Valve's waiting 'til it's done' - properly - as opposed to many others who rush out games that don't even work properly. I can't buy games on release anymore.

HL3 on Valve's VR will probably be pretty amazing, and well worth waiting for.
Not really on my 'give a **** radar' to be honest! :p

HL3 or new IP would be good if done well. But single player games don't make as much money, so as with most modern releases I would excpect a short campaign with the focus being on multiplayer and all that lovely moolah from microtransactions/DLC etc etc.

Ain't gonna hold my breath for anything significant though. But a half-life remake in a new engine could maybe get my interest though! :D
Maybe they're just lining up all their ducks before releasing the next part of the HL story (in whatever form it may take). HL1 and HL2 were ground breaking in their time, but another iteration of the story right now in the same format as every other game would just seem a bit limp I suppose.

As others have said, perhaps they are waiting to get all the pieces together before releasing the next HL game/episode.

A VR headset, a Steam console and HL3 on release would be great. I do hope they do something like; the risk of a "normal" HL being a disappointment is too great. It's a franchise you don't really want to ruin with a flop release. I get the impression that Gabe Newell wouldn't release HL3 unless he though it would get 95%+ reviews.

I am getting bored with PC gaming now - I bought a PS3 a year ago and am just playing through the top games on Metacritic. Can't be bothered to sit at a desk and PC game anymore, there's nothing really that exciting happening. There's nothing on the new consoles that takes my fancy either. Time for something new I think.
Old school gamer. Will this not kill your eyes with strain?

Love the idea of a VR headset for Elite Dangerous. Until today I thought really there was only one option now I see two. If it means developers upping their game it can only be a good thing.

It's a remarkably strain free experience (and I'm in triple figures in regards to playing Elite with the Rift, never mind everything else).

Comfort wise, it's the weight of the HMD that needs to be reduced (even though it's not really that heavy). While 30 minutes to an hour isn't an issue for me, after a 2-3 hour session it's certainly a relief to take it off.
Well what a interesting development.

I will be holding off getting a rift now valve have announced this, would sooner give me money to Valve for some deep twisted socio-economic reasoning that only I understand now matter how fact-less it is based.

Oh and i think zuckerburg is **** Long live forum groups.
What would really catapult this to success would be the combination of steam box, valve vr and hl3 as a launch title. i'd be all over that in a heart best.

A good way for it to succeed would be an offer to developers, release the game for Linux from day 1 and only pay a 20% fee instead of 30%.

lol you guys seem to be reading way to much into that.

sounds like she's almost confused and doesn't understand the question.

she's probably just referring to half life like she does dota , team fortress etc the current games.

the interviewer was pretty much desperately trying to put words into her mouth

I bet he was screaming inside "just say half-life" I need a story out of this!
lol you guys seem to be reading way to much into that.

sounds like she's almost confused and doesn't understand the question.

she's probably just referring to half life like she does dota , team fortress etc the current games.

the interviewer was pretty much desperately trying to put words into her mouth

I bet he was screaming inside "just say half-life" I need a story out of this!

It seems as you were right. :(
Pretty obvious really but dare to dream ay lads?
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