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Wednesday's AM session:

SNATCH (5s) BAR-40-50
HANG SNATCH (3s) 60-70-80
SNATCH (3s) 70-80-80 Hang snatch was to make sure I was moving correctly... full snatch worked out fine afterwards. :)

PM session:

RSR W1D3 (6*2 @ 135kg) No drama.
DEADLIFT (3s) 70-110-160-170-170 Probably should have done 5 reps, but didn't want to smoke myself for the rest of the week whilst cutting. Not sure if that would happen, but I'll just lift more next week.
RSR is Russian Squat Routine? Looks awful but also great! And how do you find time for double workouts in a day?

Yeah - Russian Squat Routine. For some bizarre reason, I find I actually get on with it quite nicely... :confused:

I train at home for my Olympic lifting (starting at about 06:45am, normally), and then use my lunch break at work to train at my gym at the office. :)
I love RSR! :cool:

The initial volume is deadly, the "deload" days of 6*2 is nice though.

I don't mind the initial volume phase; it's the first session of the intense phase that completely ruins me. I wouldn't be surprised if it were a psychological thing ("hey, look - this weight? This was your 1RM, last cycle. Please do 5 reps." :eek:) but the end gains are awesome. :)
They are. I mean my deload weight for my next phase will be 160kg! :eek: But I know I can do that pretty "easily" now. Never thought I'd be in that position.

That progressive load works really well, as you say once you get it out of your head that it's a big number, and you start to churn them out you end up flying through - so many gains to be had.
They are. I mean my deload weight for my next phase will be 160kg! :eek: But I know I can do that pretty "easily" now. Never thought I'd be in that position.

That progressive load works really well, as you say once you get it out of your head that it's a big number, and you start to churn them out you end up flying through - so many gains to be had.

Absolutely. :coo;:

So, today...

POWER CLEAN -> 4*PP -> 1*JERK BAR-40-70-80-80Oh-ho-ho... that's hard. :eek:
POWERCLEAN'n'PRESS (1) 90-100 100kg was pretty hard, but figured it would be worth a giggle. All the more entertaining as I haven't done 'heavy' push-pressing for a looooooong time.
DB SHOULDER PRESS (8s) 22.5-22.5-25
GOOD MORNINGS (5s) ss/w SARS (10s) 60/40-60/40-70/40
L-SIT SUPINATED CHINS (8s) 2 SETS Wow. That hurt. A lot.

A bit random, but figured some cleans were required, as were shoulders. Then just backcep work. :D


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Saturday's workout...

Snatch triples @ 80kg... very slow.
RSR W2D1 6*4 @ 135kg)... straight after the snatching, these were HAAAAAARD. :o

This morning...

HANG POWER SNATCH (3s) 40-50-60
SNATCH (3s) 70(1)-80(1)-90(f)-80-80-80 Finally getting a groove on the last couple of sets. Bar started coming too far forward, so adjusted the second pull = w1n.
SNATCH PULLS (5s) 100-100 Lower back starting to get tired...

Weighed in this morning after breakfast (peanut butter and jam on toast. Z0MG!), two pints of water and a coffee @ 95.7kg. Not too bad. Slowly thinning out because I can now see some freaky quad separation (why do I have five separations? :confused: :D) with some obliques, but no abz in sight. :D

PM Session:

RSR W2D2 (6*2 @ 135kg)
DUMBELL SHOULDER PRESS (8s) ss/w RDL (5s) 25/110-25/120-25/120

Squats took a while to get in to, but fine. :)
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DUMBELL CHEST PRESS ss/w PENDLAYS (10s) 32.5/90-32.5/90-32.5/90
LAT RAISES ss/w BROCEPS (12s) 6/10-8/12-8/12

Something in my wrist is REALLY unhappy: dorsiflexion is currently agony, but I think it's a combination of something tight in my forearm that's been untreated and strained.

Powerball incoming.
Urgh... cut is starting to bite. :(

RSR W2D3 (6*5 @135kg Last three sets were 4+1s as got tired VERY quickly. :o
RDL (5s) ss/w DB SHOULDER PRESS (8s) 70/16-110/25-110/25

Need some food! :D
SNATCH BALANCE (5s) BAR-40-50-50
HANG SNATCH ((3s) 60-70-80-90(1) Right wrist is still gimped, so figured I'd leave it there, as somebody also commented I was protecting that side in the catch...
GOOD MORNINGS ss/w L-SIT SUPINATED CHINS (5s) 60/BW-80/+20-80/+12
Todya is the first day of a new routine I'm testing out in advance of changing jobs (which will basically mean I train exclusively at home)...

It will look something like this:

MON: Snatch
TUES: Squat
Weds: Deadlifts
Thurs: Clean'n'Jerk
Fri; Squat

I have found that - whilst cutting at least - two sessions/day, three days a week is just too much, and detracts from the rest of my sessions (not being a full-time pro doesn't help). As such, I'm trying a more focussed programme...


OHS (3*5) BAR-40-50
SNATCH (5*3) 60(2f)-70-70-70(1f1)-70
SNATCH HIGH PULL (5-4-3-3) 80-90-100-100

Didn't feel exhausting, but will keep having a play to see what works and what doesn't. Volume felt very low but then I need to squat properly tomorrow... :confused: :D

The snatch pulls actually felt very light, but that's probably just an artifact of having the week off.
Will be switching back to a Russian Masters Squat Routine once I have recovered from my holiday...

BACK SQUAT (8s) 100-110-115 That was hard... I felt like a triathlete. :(
PENDLAY ROWS (8s) 80-90-90 Seriously... why are my rows only 10-20kg under my squats? :mad:
HANG MUSCLE SNATCH (5s) 40-40-40 New exercise to build that back/traps/shoulders. No leg drive - just pull and push. 40kg was probably too light, but it certainly works things in all the right places.

I am loathe to write this week's squatting off as a 'return to lifting' so will be seeing where Friday's work takes me.

Weighed in at 92.5kg this morning (:eek:), with the big drop from two weeks ago probably due to the lack of creatine, as well as a dubious diet from being on holiday last week (i.e. no lifting). Quad separation is quite funny, and the abz'n'obliquez are coming through nicely...
I always have to google your routines :p

Congrats on the new job :)

Cheers. :)

OHS (3*5) CBA
DEADLIFTS (5-5-4-4-3-3) 150-150-160-160(s)-170(s)-170(s) Last three sets were using straps as my baby-soft hands threatened to tear. :p
SNATCH GRIP RDL (3*5) 100-110-110 Last set was probably optimistic as wasn't getting decent (floor-touching) ROM due to hamstring, glute and back fatigue. Still, I feel wrecked. :D

Fun session! Was planning on doing some snatch balance work as a warmup, but was thinking too slowly this morning to throw a 60kg weight above my head safely...
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