Vanity is not a sin...

Proper session did not happen... BRIO trainset with 3yr-old PB instead.

HANG SNATCH (3s) 50-60-70
SNATCH (2s) 70 :o First time deep catching since... a while ago. Coming back up was quite unfamiliar! :eek:
SNATCH PULLS (3s) 80-90 Trap pump is still awesome three hours after training...

No cleans, because no time. :(
FRONT SQUAT (3s) 60-90-110-115-115(1)
BACK SQUAT (5s) 115-120
RDL (5s) 110-130-140-140
BENCH ss/w WG LAT PULLDOWNS (8s) 80-80-80-80
OHP ss/w NARROW GRIP CHINS (8s) 45-45-45-45

Lifting tomorrow is going to suck. :(

I should probably try a bench 1RM at some point, too... but it's just such a crud lift...
Mirin snatches :cool:

For clarity?

SNATCH BALANCE (3s) know what these are :)
HANG SNATCH (3s) Standing, slight dip, then snatch?
SNATCH (2s) Full snatch from floor? / (Powersnatch?)
SNATCH PULLS (3s) Is this just the first &/or second pull including the shrug

Are your (3s/5s) negatives or rest periods, eitherway, strong. So strong.
The figure in brackets is the number of reps, which is almost always low for me and snatch/CnJ: rest periods are around 2 minutes for working sets (i.e. Anything over 70kg).

Hang snatch is any snatch the is not from the floor, so you can have below knee, above knee or whatever. I generally do them just above the knee or below if I am feeling masochistic.

Full snatch (at the moment) is a power snatch, yes, but normally a full deep catch.

Snatch pull is the whole thing from the floor (up to the shrug). Yesterday was 1 from the floor and 2 from a below knee hang. The trap pump from those is immense. :D
Awesome, thanks.

So snatch pull is similar to your tripple extension video, just let the bar fly up but don't drop under?

Yup! Get your shoulders to your ears and you know it was a good pull. As such. :D

Today I thought was going to be good, but it turned out I was tired after yesterday's exertions...

HANG POWER SNATCH (3s) 50-60-70-80(2f)
SNATCH (2s) 80(f) Under the bar without issue, but I think I was so surprised I caught it that I flunked out after holding the bar for a second each time. :o
POWER CLEAN (3s) 80-90 Hamstrings were still bushed from yesterday, so had no power whatsoever. :(
CLEAN PULL (3s) 90-110 Just tired. A bit gash, but...
Had to throw in some Lu <3, sub-77kg of pure handsome. Question for the resident Oly lifter.

Power cleans vs normal cleans; as far as I can see the difference is the former involves the catching position being high rather than in the squat type position. Any benefit to learning one before the other? I'm sure I've read somewhere that people who learn the former first tend to find it harder to transition to the latter, although it might just be before they had no hip hinge of peace in their power cleans in the first place?
Not particularly, I wouldn't have thought.

Power cleans are generally for 99% of lifters or athletes out there than want a way to generate more central drive from their muscles and explosive force from their type 2 fibres.

The only people who derive a particular anything from a full clean are a Olympic lifters, for the same reason that 99% need not start from the floor: generally, a hang clean is all that is required for non-Olympic lifters (I.e. Those with no intention if competing as Olympic lifters).

Is it harder to transition from power to full clean? Not particularly (for me, anyway) once the technique is good. So many people power clean with truly abysmal technique (including me!) that full cleaning would actually kill them... So most people don't bother. Why should they? There is no training benefit to be derived from it (assuming they can power clean reasonably correctly)...

The reason your reference may have suggested one is harder to transition to than the other is because a full clean is like going ABC, whereas a power clean is just AB - C is never even relevant to the lift. So a non-Olympic lifter is is essentially not taught or drilled with deep catching. Is that a problem for them? Probably not.

So to answer your question: if you want to be awesome, either is fine. If you want a useful technique that is both awesome and improves your squat, dead, etc. then power clean is fine. If you want to be a weightlifter, there is only one choice...
Snatch is a pain because of the balance and mobility required.

From a technique perspective, it's actually easier because everything about it is turned up to 11 from a physical perspective:

- mobility requirements to get into the right positions;
- pull on the shoulders/lats when in the right positions during the first and second pulls;
- the 'contact' with the bar during the second pull;
- the shrug and pull under the bar.

As a result, it's easy to see what is actually required and much easier for the lifter to feel.

The clean has a lot less of all this because of the position of the bar (it's lower down the legs), the weight (shrug is less dramatic), the grip (narrower, so feels less of a pull) and the catch (it's just a front squat, after all)... therefore people tend to get messier (i.e. rubbish) with it because a lot less precision is required.
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