Vanity Log: how much in a year?

So... more cardio after only a 14hr break between workouts. What could possibly go wrong?

Today was the first day - to my shame - when I have consciously wanted to bail on a workout. I felt ill this morning, my left adductor magnus was tighter that something very tight and knowing how 5 reps murdered me on Monday, doing the same today was not going to be pretty.

So I left the house early, got to the gym early, and spent 45 minutes warming up and stretching instead. :cool: Adductor was still horrid, but warmup overhead squats didn't seem to cause too much trouble...

FRONT SQUATS @80% (90kg) 5*5 reps

First set felt like death. After that, it was alarmingly easy until the fourth set. Fifth was messy, but managed to keep stable drive through.

LOW BAR BACK SQUATS @80% (102.5kg) 4*5

These were pretty much all mean. Last set was very shaky as both my upper back and posterior chain had decided they wanted a divorce. No failure, however! :)

DBSS 4*6


Yes, odd progression, but my coccyx doesn't like being surprised by these. The extra weight on the third set made up for the volume lost between Monday's squatting and today.

This is where the adductor tightness really killed me, because I can consciously feel my legs strain to avoid letting my hips sink too low and prevent the adductor being used to stabilise the movement. :mad:


BW for all. Probably should have put more on for the pull-ups, but wasn't sure how fatigued yesterday's snatch SLDLs left me. Oh, well. :(

Abz work was fun, but need to really be careful of the 'higher rep*set' working as I felt a couple of reps where my core bracing slipped = SPINAL LOAD!!!111 :eek:

Overall, I now feel epic. :cool:

I can't walk anywhere, but just sitting here? I feel fantastic. Legs are smoked, back is on fire and it feels like I've been punched in the stomach, but that's just brilliant in my book. :D

I am actually looking forward to 1RM day on Friday...

Footnote: saw something cleaning in the gym this morning... proper SLDL to upright forearm catch. I really wanted to explain that he was going to slip a disc and then break his wrists, but I refrained. This is why Starting Strength will never get my support as a beginner's programme! :mad: :D
Mmmm... I thought of doing it a couple of days/weeks ago based on nailing everything (posterior chain AND quads) in one sitting.

Normal spec is front/overhead/DBSS, but with a gammy'd-up palm the overhead work with a decent load is out. :(

It's actually quite interesting because I find my core goes before my legs do... I'd highly recommend front->back as a workout. It's awesome. :cool:
Do you have any good form vids of overhead squats?

Vids? Yes. Vids of good form...? Now that's a different question. :cool:

There are plenty of videos scattered about in this log if you want examples of pretty not bad form, but I can always do some newer ones if you want more to be getting on with...?
1RM test day!

Lots of mobility and stretching because my leg adductors were still not playing ball. :mad:

So... what have we got in the tank today?


120*f :mad: Hard fail. Core bracing went at the bottom and had to bail almost straight away.
120*1 GAINZ!!!

Well, that was tiring! :D Needed to work up to my apparent max, it would seem, so that my body can accommodate the pattern - even then, my shoulders slumped at the bottom (you can see this because of the rock forward). More work required, but a nice boost, nonetheless. However, this means my *5% days will now start at 102kg. :eek: :cool:

Video of 120kg...


BW for first set of dips, then +5 for everything else.

Needed some ring dipping as this just makes my shoulders and torso feel so much better. Last set of each required 5 second rests between the last three reps, but still managed a proper 'set' as such.

Das pump. :cool:

I'd worked out my theoretical back squat 1RM based on Glenn Pendlay's approximation (front squat 1RM will be 90% of back squat 1RM), giving 133kg, and was reasonably happy with that. But decided to test it anyway.

Straight in at 130kg with a blitzed CNS...

And went a long way below parallel... :eek: and came back up. Very slowly. :D

Pretty happy with that. :)
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Nice front squat PB! I hope that video isn't permanently broken :(

Thanks! I'm not doing it again until next week, if that's what you're suggesting. :D

Works fine here.. Clear your cache :)

Sometimes I wish I understood the way software works. :p

Nice one!

What the hell was that other guy in the video wearing, looked like an old school tennis player...

Yeah - he does have a bit of the Boris Becker. Nice guy, though, and seems to be a triathlete of some description...
Pics for an update. Weighing in around 88.5kg.

Abz are sloooooooooooooooooooowly starting to come out, but I can only do so many situps. ;) :D


Nice work and nice pb :)

Cheers, dude. :)

Loooking leeeeaaan! Noice!

I'm going to struggle with front squats when they start getting heavy, as I do cross armed, as I don't have the ability to do clean grip. :(

Great PB!

No! It cannot be true!?! Is that because your arms are so big that mobility doesn't work? :D :cool:

The new 'volume' training may be something I push for squats because 120kg felt very clean for me (heavy, sure, but my lumbar didn't flake out as it normally used to on big fronties) as I seem to get epic stimulus whilst dealing at a weight that is easy for me to hold and keep good shape.

It may be that the low bar work is helping, too, but after one week of aggressive (for me) squatting, drawing conclusions isn't really fair.

Thanks, all the same! Will see how long I can keep this up...
Home gym shoulder day...

Warm-up: moving a 5 step toy slide around the garden...

Clean to OHP (1-5) 5*6


Not sure how worthwhile this was because of the variable rests. Took about 20 minutes to complete. Followed up two hours after with a final triple at 60kg.

Power clean 2*3


These are going to be sore tomorrow... And are going to hit me like a train when I start back in anger. This powerlifting lark has made me soft... ;)
85% day

Not eating enough over the weekend and a shoulder session meant today was going to drag...


WU(70*5)-102.5-102.5-102.5-(70*3, 90*3)-100

That was a grind! I didn't feel particularly awesome, so five reps of 95% was :eek:. First rep of fourth set just didn't happen, so dropped down and built back up.

An issue at reps 4-5 is torso collapse: I'm really having to force my elbows up and through to keep my shoulders collapsing, making engagement of my hamstrings/quads really tough. Need to sort this out, probably with some bigger volume at lower weight... that will be Wednesday's session, then. :)

To be fair, today was always goign to be optimistic in terms of weight and volume, but this didn't end up too bad overall. :)



Fine. Nothing particularly interesting about these. Knee and lumber stability is a lot better now that I'm not hybridising high and low bar techniques. :)



Why you may ask? Because whilst not practicsing jerks/pushpress, I need shoulder powahz. These were ok - last rep on last set requierd a push to get it clear of my shoulders, but htere we go.

This will be the broad theme of my Mon-Wed-Fri workouts until I get my home platform built. This shoudl be happening in the next couple of days (wood has been ordered, so it's just delivery and construction now).

Once the platform is complete, it will be something along the lines o:

Mon/Weds/Fri: 85%/80%/1RM

- Snatch 6*2
- Clean: 6*2
- Front squat: 8*3
- Savickas/Miliatry press (dependent due to low ceiling): 5*5

Tues ('rest day'):

- SLDL (5*5);
- Dumbell bench ss/w CGPU (5*5);
- Barbell row ss/w TRX roll-outs (5*5)

Thurs ('rest day'):

- DBSS (5*5);
- Ring dips ss/w WGCU (5*5);
- Dragonflagz (3*5);

Feel free to tear this apart - this is my first idea of creating my own programme, and I'm learning. I'm also basing the core of this (Mon/Weds/Fri) off Glenn Plendlay's suggestion for Olympic lifters, as well as ideas from Ilya Ilin's coaches... doesn't mean it's sensible for a 31-year old beginner. :D

. I'm already discovering that squatting heavy 3 times a week is murder, so we'll see how this crystallises over time.

Sending my barbell back, too, because - sticking it up on plates - I noticed it has a bend in it somewhere. Pretty annoying, but there we go. I only live around an hour away from Jordan Fitness, so should be able to swap it for one that isn't gash. Either that, or it's getting sent back and I'll replace it with the Taishan. :D
In most cases with a new program it's a case of suck it and see. It'll take a little while to figure out what works and what is rapping you into oblivion for no additional benefit.

Cool. I will see how much Public Enemy I can take during a workout. :D

Thanks for the steer, however: this is going to be a new experience (both setting my own programme and giving myself more than enough opportunity to self-r4pe in my own gym).

How did you find the transition to your own gym?
Next bro down we're playing Celine Dions greatest hits for extra PB gains

That would be awesome. :cool:

Rest day, today!

Quads were still broken from yesterday, with what I'm guessing is residual CNS fatigue from Friday this morning: felt like I'd been beaten up and none of my limbs would really respond... how interesting.


SLDL (deadlift to 3 reps) 6*4


Ow! Doing this with a hook grip was pretty sore! :D Range on these feels great (plates 1-3 inches off floor), so I can get a brutal hamstring/glute burn going.

DB BENCH ss/w CGPU 5*5

DBB: 35-37.5-37.5-37.5-37.5
CGPU: +10, +12, +14, +14, +14

Pecs were frtized and shoulders/back were buuuuuuuuuuuurning by the end of this. Gun pump was amusing. :D


BOR: 70-90-90-90-90

BORs were hard. Standing rollouts were also hard. Last set of BORs was less Pendlay than it could have been, but hey. TRX rollouts gave me a horrendous burn in abdominals and obliques towards the end, which led to less shoulder extension. Need to work on these from a volume perspective.

A bit of a nothing session, but felt good just to keep moving. I've added some first pulls in to Thursday, so it will look like...

Thurs ('rest day'):

- Snatch first pull (6*3);
- DBSS (5*5);
- Ring dips ss/w WGCU (5*5);
- Dragonflagz (3*5);

This will be a good back stabiliser at lower reps for actual snatching, as well as forcing good lumber stability and range.

I'll have a sit and think about how each day feels and what else I can stuff into each day. Options are:

- T-bar rows;
- Dumbell rows;
- Bicep curls (pulling, right? ;));
- ...?
80% day...

Spent most of yesterday evening goofing around with heavy stuff (wooden panels, weight plates, a double-glazed door) to get the lifting platform partially installed, so probably not as much eating/sleeping as required... that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. :D


FRONT SQUATS 5*5 @ 95kg.

Ok. Now this routine is starting to bite. Legs and core didn't have much in them at all, so the last two sets were griiiiiiiiiinding.

BACK SQUATS 4*5 @ 105kg

Yup - these were hard, too! :) Nice to get the posterior chain isolated with the low bar...

DBSS ss/w OHP 4*6 ss/w 4*5

DBSS: 14-20-20-20
OHP: 57.5-57.5-57.5(4+1pp)-57.5(2+3pp)

Was very tempting to spew bile all over the gym after this. The DBSS were just horrific after the bigger squatting up front, and the OHP just ruined everything up top. :D

Overall, exhausting. Will have a look at some of the rep ranges once I start training properly, as 5*5 on the primary movements is probably a bit optimistic given my track record for sleeping and eating.

I will probably structure this along the lines of 6*3 for front squats and 4*5 for back squats to try and slack off from the CNS blitzing I am currently receiving. After all, I'm after strength for the front squats, anyway, and my legs were huge after today's session.

Either way, looking forward to training at home next week with some proper lifting, too! :D
Rest day, today...

I had a quick session with one of the coaches here to run through my front squat and picked up some useful pointers... then it was on to my actual rest workout...


BW, +5, +5, +5

That was hard. Ran out of time, so had to ditch the fifth set...



Realised I had a bit more time, so cracked these out. No rest period. Horrid. :cool: :D
Decided against a 1RM session today, as I'm still kind of fried. :rolleyes:

So it was my first home workout session! BOOM! Grinning like a idiot for most of it, too! :D

SNATCH COMPLEX (lift from floor, catch and snatch from hip *2) 5 sets.


Oh, dear. A month off Olympic lifting and I have lost a lot of pretty much everything: grip is horrific, speed is non-existent and power was delayed at Muscleville city limits... Trap and back pump was immense, however. :D

I was wondering why the lifts were so hard, thinking I only had 40kg on the bar, too... :rolleyes: :D

CLEAN COMPLEX (clean from floor, catch and 2*hip clean) 5 sets.


Shirtless gains (or not)! Was too hot, and sweating like a r4pist. Grip was completely shot at these point, and I'm going to get blisters on my palms.

FRONT SQUATS (clean from floor, front squat *3) 3 sets (out of time... :( ).


Not particularly taxing, but nice to jack the clean up a notch.

Olympic lifting back with a damp squib! Yes! I'm going to be absolutely ruined tomorrow! :D The platform appeared to hold up nicely, too, which is always comforting. No idea what will happen as the weight (hopefully) goes up.

All in all, not the most taxing session from a strength perspective, but highlights how cruel a mistress Olympic lifting is. Love it. :D
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