Vanity Log: how much in a year?

Fasting ended last night with today being Baha'i New Year!

Whilst this is perceived as a time of spiritual renewal, it is also time for e to get back off the CBL bandwagon and revert to my IIFYM^3 approach.

Gainz incoming. Oh, yes... The only issue being disruption to my training for the next month due to holiday and work trips. *facepalm*
Fasting ended last night with today being Baha'i New Year!

Whilst this is perceived as a time of spiritual renewal, it is also time for e to get back off the CBL bandwagon and revert to my IIFYM^3 approach.

Gainz incoming. Oh, yes... The only issue being disruption to my training for the next month due to holiday and work trips. *facepalm*

Happy Baha'i New Year!

enjoy the renewed gains :)
Thanks, dude. :)

Celebrated with an enormous dinner at a Turkish restaurant and loads of meat. Awesome.

And am currently stuffing my face full of pancakes, toast and hot cross buns. All those lovely, illicit, diiiiiiirty carbs! Whilst the sun is up! :D
Mmmmmm Ottoman cuisine is one of my favs. I'm going to go to Cyprus this summer for a little break - kebabs and fresh veg and fresh pitta bread or arabic bread FTW!
Great find - thanks, ice! :cool:

The guy is an absolute demon: not only is he freakishly strong and powerful, but his technique and speed under the bar make everybody else just look... slow and average.

Whilst guys like Klokov are probably a lot stronger, Ilin has the technique to make upa significant part of the difference arising from any additional muscle.

Just immense. You have made a guy bored in his hotel very happy.

Although now I am depressed I won't be snatching or cleaning properly for another week... :mad: :( :D
Urgh. Pattern and DOMS day, today! No, you haven't tuned in to the CBeebies channel, but the day where I do a load of pattern work that results in uber DOMS! :D

First day back in the gym for what is effectively two weeks and I was rusty as a 75 year-old cougar (I'm probably going to have to justify how I know this, but we'll leave that to side for now... :eek:)...

Mobility everything (shoulders, back, hips, knees)

Snatch balance 3*3


Yikes - getting moving again (properly) was fun! That last inch of movement took a long time to come back. :)

Overhead squats 4*5


Hmmm... my hips are tight! :( Paused the warm-ups and the first 60kg set to get my hips, back and shoulders in the right position. Power was slowly coming back by the end (reverse of normal fatigue!?!) which was useful for...

Hang snatch 4*3


Speed slowly coming back by the end of the sets, but spent most of it trying to [YODA]remember my training![/YODA]. Heels, core, hips, lats...

Hang cleans 3*3


Shoulder mobility is paying off, but this is now in the temporary absence of hip movement! :mad: :D Was getting better by the end of it, but still a bit of a farm gate.

Front squats 3*3


Clean to front squat. All the grief I've given Syla5 over the past few weeks with his front squat came home to roost. Pattern was a bit rubbish for the first set, but cleaned up a lot with the last two. Still more work required, but there we go. :)

Joygasmic to get back in the gym and lift properly, but irritating to see how far the patterns had fallen in just two weeks! Mobility work for my shoulder is paying off, but other than that I just need to get back into this whole regime.
See, I thought this log was all about vanity, I am disappointed to see proper lifting!
See, I thought this log was all about vanity, I am disappointed to see proper lifting!

I would post an updated set of photos, but I look like a cardio bunny with the lack of training... and not in a good way. :o

And I have DOMS already (legs, back and shoulders are pretty sore and stiff at the moment). :( Tomorrow is going to be hellish.

Particularly with a medley of overhead work... :(
Ooooh... new training block time. :)

Had a chat with the coach, today, about both programme and objectives and - despite my wish to compete in the 105kg category - his perspective is that I started training too late in my life and - as such - have the wrong type of training objectives (Olympic lifting goodness) to get to 105kg without significant compromises in terms of:

1) Overall mobility;
2) Competing against guys who have been training for a lot longer than me (and gone up through 85-94-105 categories);
3) Guys who are a lot stronger than I will ever be.

He is of the opinion that - over the next few months - I should not have any trouble dropping down to a working weight of 88-ish kg to compete in the 85kg category. This would require serious dietary management (something I'm not used to) and focussed training and recovery, as I don't deal well with calorie deficits. :D

I'm a bit disappointed with this if I'm honest, but I know it makes more logical sense than trying to bulk on my current training regime (power-strength vs. mass). I'm carrying around 15% BF at the moment, so assuming I get to 8%-ish, that's 7kg off. Further down the line, if I manage a clean bulk with my current training, then the 94s might be an option, but I don't have 10-15 years to go at this like proper lifters. :)

Right. So what does this training block look like?


Power clean from hip (3*2-5)
Hang clean (4*2-5)
Clean (4*2-5)
Jerk (3*2-5)


Front squat (5-2-1-2-3-3)
Overhead squat (4-4-3-3)
DBSS (4-4-3-3)


Power snatch from hip (3*5)
Hang snatch (4*2-5)
Snatch (3*2-5)
Snatch balance (3*2-5)


Pull ups (5*5) with DB bench (5*5)
Close grip lat pull down (5*5) with floor press (4*5)
Standing military press (4*5)


Front squat ((5-2-1-2-3-3)
Single leg squat (4-4-3-3)
Reverse lunge (4-4-3-3)

I'll shuffle the days around so I start on Day " tomorrow, and see how much pain I'm in... :D

This will be amusing... :)
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