Vanity Log: how much in a year?

I'm crazy if I try to Crossfit it (i.e. lift it on my toes, back bent and muscle it up)... :D

I reckon I'll 'ave it in a couple of weeks once I start training properly... :mad:
I'll muscle snatch 90kg just for you tonight, in terrible formed fashion with as little leg and hip drive as possible lol
Urgh. First day back from holiday. So DOMS a-hoy! :D

No serious loading, just pattern and mobility work.

Hip and shoulder mobility

Hip rotation, flexion and extension. Hamstring, adductor and quad soft tissue work. Sore, but nothing unexpected.

Internal and external shoulder rotation. Oh, wow. Did the MWOD barbellonanteriordelt workout and ouch - that really hurts.

Front squats 5*5


Hips were stiff, back wasn't tight enought in the first sets and lengs weren't working properly. Still the last two sets were much better with no bum wink below parallel and a much more upright back. Trying to concentrate on using any additional shoulder mobility to keep elbows up and shoulders back whilst the weights are low.

Overhead squat 6-5-4


Having warmed up with the fronties, these were comparatively easy from a movement perspective. However, legs were fried, so my attempt at 80kg was met with disdain by my body. CRASH! :D

Wide grip chins 3*8 @BW

Oooh... nice lat numbness going on! :cool:

Not a very interesting session - just a series of movements to keep my body from forgetting what it will be doing after next week. Which will be a four-day trip to the Far East, full of hotel gyms, cortisol and screwed-up sleeping patterns!

So I've just brought a load of DOMS on myself for no good reason! :D This afternoo should be awesome. :)
Oh, yes - post holiday weigh-in at 92kg just after dinner and dessert.

No, carb-backloading hasn't really stuck over the holiday, and probably won't until after I get back from the Far East, but I shoudl be good to go at it hard and lose even more afterwards.

I also hadn't seen my obliques in around 8 years, and never realised I had separate muscles for sartorius, rec fem and vastus... :eek:
Bro if you keep missing real training I am going to catch you up! :p

I hate having an awkward amount of time between bouts of normal training. If I can't follow a routine I find myself just walking into the gym and wandering around for hours not really doing anything.
Broseph... If you put your mind to it and quit faffing around with that powerlifting lark you'd be well past me (as you should be based on your squat). :cool:
Welcome back! Briefly!

Feel free to carry on your skinny DYEL holiday gains ;)

Tell me about it... All that weightloss? Whilst some subcutaneous fat is going, most is visceral.

And after a heavy slog in the garden today (spades, sand, hardcore and concrete were involved), I'm up at around 91kg. Indicating serious atrophy (or retained blood, rather) due to lack of gymgasming. :(

May is going to get hit like a train. :mad: :cool:
YOLO's log...

Dayamn. It's almost a month since I was in the gym lifting properly. Clean weigh-in last night and I was at 90kg, dead. :eek: Based on my abnormal diet over the past three weeks, that's not necessarily good. :(

So, I've started CBL proper today, with it being the first day of prep phase. Yes, I did manage a couple of days before, but it's on for real this time. So we'll see how this goes...

I spent most of my ASIAPAC tour doing core work and stretching exercises for my hip adductors, which seem to be brutally tight at the moment. :o

I did manage to hit the gym once and did some low-weight volume work, and as a result of BSS with 80lbs of load, my groin is STILL in pieces.

So, today...

FRONT SQUATS WU(5)-5-5-5-5-3


Pattern work. Firat 70kg was rusty as, with the movement getting progressively better. 90kg was thrown in just to see if I could hold shape and take the load: the answer was a qualified yes. :D The weight is fine for my legs to drive up, but I need to concentrate on the pattern to keep the form consistent.



More stability work. Legs were fatiguing by this point, but spent most of my time at the bottom of each squat trying to make sure my hips were as far forward as possible to get a nice vertical back.

I bailed on the DBSS because it would have been a hiding to nowhere with my groin in the shape it is at the moment. :D

Anyway, good to be back. Let the YOLO gains begin! :o :p ;)
Do you steward bars much? :mad: :D

I'm probably going to put on 1-2kg with training whilst my muscles re-perfuse, too, which is just even more disconcerting.
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