Vanity Log: how much in a year?

Makes sense I guess mate...dropping to the lower category I mean.

Why has he only just told you this though? Or have you only just mentioned it to him?
Ohhhhh yeeeeeeeah, an 88kg Mr Habeepbeep is gon' be a mireful thing to behold indeed :cool:

**** off. ;) :D Having worked so hard to get past 90kgs in the first place, I have to completely rearrange my head to go back below it. :(

Right, today was squat day...

Front squat 5-2-1-2-3-3


I know it looks like an odd progression, but the idea is to map the pattern without too much fatigue before hitting big weight. Pattern was MUCH better than yesterday with a nicely vertical back and the load going through the hips/quads. The last 100kg had me carried away and careless, so had back rounding on the last two reps. Felt like an idiot. :)

Overhead squats 4-4-3-3


This was weird. 70kg felt really hard, so I thought 80kg should be even harder. It wasn't - it felt quite easy. :confused: So on Friday, 85kg or even 90kg for the LOLs. Considering I can only just about push-press 95kg, this will be somewhat topsy turvy... :D

DBSS 4-4-3-3

BW-14-16-20-22.5 (weights are for each hand)

Had some really tight adductors last week so was taking this workout easy. Nice burn, though. :)

BONUS TIME! Push-jerks. 60lg * 5

Overall, new programme = getting used to the volumes again. However, I think some ifun gainz will be had when I FINALLY get back into a decent routine...
Alrighty... first day on the CBL bandwagon, which means carb depltion. I have no idea why I'm doing this, but it's the first time I've ever TRIED to trim down, so we'll see how this goes... :cool:


Pull ups (5*5) with DB bench (4*5)

P/U: +5, 10, 16, 16, 16
DB: 32.5, 37.5, 40, 40.

Last set of each was messy - getting used to DB bench again is interesting! :o Also updated the training for what was ACTUALLY spec'd rather than what I imagined. :D

Close grip lat pull down (5*5) with floor press (4*5)

LPD: 16-17-18-18-19 (no idea what weight this is...)
FP: 85-85-85-85

Last set pf the floor press was ropey. Also mucked up the lat pull-down as I was doing wide-grip. Like a muppet. :D

Standing military press (4*5) with BIZEPZ CURLZ (4*5)

MP: 25kg DBs
BzCz: 18kg DBs

Military press was tough, but managed it cleanly enough. Bro curlz because I missed out on the close grip lat pull down. Obviously. ;) :D

Massive pump from all exercises, however. Glorious. :cool:


Thanks! Pretty much how it felt! :D

DAY 2 because I don't like single leg squats (can do them, but think they're too unstable). And I love overhead squats. :D

Front squat (5-2-1-2-3-3)


Slowly recovering form/shape/pattern. First 110 was good; second rep of second 110 sucked balls (shoulders came forward) and third didn't come back up. Dropped to 100kg which felt much easier.

Overhead squat (4-4-3-3)


Hehehehehehehe... 80kg felt good, so stuck 90kg on. First one went up surprisingly easy (OMGWTFBBQSauce!!!111oneoneone), but I was flagging very quickly. Second one started to come back up but then shoulders -> back -> core went and BANG! it went on the catchers. That was HARD.

Good laugh for a PB, however. :D

DBSS (4-4-3-3)


Low reps. Fun weight. All good.

There we go. Really (imagining) lacking power from the lack of higih-quality fuel, but we'll see how I manage to avoid carbz today.

All in all - very happy with the silliness given the odd nutrition at the moment!
Silly session today: screwed up diet over the weekend through attempting CBL prep and failing slightly, a rush into the gym because of a lack of time and not really any work-up to the big weights whatsoever.

I'm glad I cam out without injury. :D *idiot*

It was only really snatching today, as I desperately want to keep up my technique before three effective weeks off.

So... hang-snatch * see below

60*3 power snatches. :rolleyes:
80*3 (1ff) First one went up without a squat. 90kg is fricking ON.
60*2 full squat catch to exaggerate the technique.
90*3 (fff) Just would not go up. 3rd attempt was closest, but just not enough. :(

Combination of a number of factors affected the failure today...

1) Crud warm-up: wasn't firing properly. Simple as.
2) Not fast enough under the bar: rushed snatch balances weren't enough to get my head in gear.
3) Choke: 90kg is a 10kg ramp on my previous PB. First two attempts were 'bottled' under the bar (not enough balls), as well as not enough leg drive (too busy thinking about not getting under the bar). As such, the last attempt was consciously the best, but by that time I was fatiguing badly.
4) Rushed session: I didn't take the time to work up to th weight, properly. Nuff said.

Moral of the story? Don't do any of the above. :D

I've attached a video below, but be warned: there is no great lifting, and lots of waiting around. Three reps over 3 minutes. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. ;)

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