Vanity Log: how much in a year?

A crate of "female-dog" slap, methinks. :(

Regardless, programme review tomorrow, so will see how it all goes. Prepare for manic depressive posting when my form gets torn to shreds. :D
More shoulder mobility for you, then.

One of my colleagues has just started front squatting and found his wrists were struggling, so I suggested that he revert to the 'arms crossed' position until he can get his shoulder up high enough.

I'm assuming you're all over icecold's mobility thread?
More shoulder mobility for you, then.

One of my colleagues has just started front squatting and found his wrists were struggling, so I suggested that he revert to the 'arms crossed' position until he can get his shoulder up high enough.

I'm assuming you're all over icecold's mobility thread?

Have been. Got a million tight spots on my body as it is to work through :p

Just trying to work on general shoulder mobility anyway to sort out my overall shoulder problems. In the meantime I just goblet squat if I want that sort of movement.
Urgh. For a rubbish session, my legs are killing me... probably as a result of the eventual volume for front squats that resulted from me faffing about with my technique and form.

Tekkers update, today.

Dragged the coach into the gym to help with my squats...

Front squats:

Back squats:

Bent over rows (stolen from tomorrow's workout):

Legs = b0rked.
Programme re-work day...

Asked Ed (coach) for a 5 day regime (:eek:) to focus on Olympic lifting, as that's where I want to be going, so today was tekkers day!


- Soft tissue work (rollers);
- Dynamic/static stretching;


- Technique clean up, involving catches at 40kg and second (?) pulls at 60kg. Whilst I can catch 60kg without too much trouble now, he was pointing out bits of technique that need adjusting (more hip pop). The pulls at 60kg shredded my hands, but that's just a sahme...

- Snatch first pulls @60kg. Never done these before, and was just amazed by how much technique goes into these. Hand were already ruined from the pulls, so this was interesting. So much shoulder work here I'm going to be ruined for days...

- First and second pulls @60kg. Awful. Having never done these before, it felt very lumpy, but then that's why I have these sessions. :)

Overall: traps were completely rinsed. So a perfect time to move on to...


- Technique work-over at 60kg. Focus on getting the double knee bend into the movement to make the hang clean more dynamic. Again, this felt lumpy as it's something I m not used to. Can see how the technique will help crank up the load, however, but just convincing my muscles to work in the pattern was a case of [YODA]"you must unlearn... what you have learned."[/YODA]. Urgh.

- Jerk training: techniqyue workover @60kg again. Sorted out some twisting/positioning issues that were causing some catch instability at the top. However, after 1.5hrs of training, I figured my boss would be wondering where the truck I was... :D

So, programme change time: not sure what he's got in for me, but it should be epic (and painful for the first three weeks). Volume is going to have to increase massively for all the lifts, and I'm going to have to invest in straps and liquid chalk, too.

I can't wait! This is going to be awesome. :D

(Apologies if this winds up being a very boring log with no real powerlifting anymore...)
I advance of my updated programme being sent through, I thought I'd have some fun in the gym...

Bench press:

90x4 (knackered at this point)


70x5 (WU)
160x3 (SCORE! REP MAX!) This didn't feel too bad, so decided to push on... :)
170x1 (SCORE! 1REP MAX!) Oh, yes! Very happy with the weight. But checking my form, it looks like my bum starts too high. Regardless, the form on this one was shot to Slough. Not pretty. However, nothing was damaged in the process. :D

In case this doesn't work, how does one embed youtube clips?


+10kg (1x5)
+15kg (2x5)

Single leg squats (dumbell weights are in each hand):

8kg x 5
16kg x 4/3/3

No structure to the session at all, but it was good fun.
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[youtube ]phQlJGEUp1o[/youtube ]
remove spaces in tag.

What happened with your lockout? Looks like you lost balance and the weight shifted?
Good pull, probably need some more tightness in the legs before starting the lift.
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Nothing that clever. My grip was shot from yesterday's work (managed to get them bleeding) so I was very tentative with the whole thing, and it was heavy enough to mean pretty much everything flunked out at the top.

Does this count as a 'bad lift' from a competitive perspective (suspect so, but hope not!)? If so, will drop the PB element... :( :D
Sort of - it's the "lockout" which shows the lift was complete.

I'm going to have to go back in the gym and do it again, now. :(

Not getting changed, however - this ******'s happening in jeans and a t-shirt.
In a comp you'd have to hold the bar at lockout until told to put it down, but this isn't a comp! :)
Plenty more in the tank.
Seriously mate. That 170 shifted with ease (although it probably didn't feel like that? :p)

My 130 is just so slow off the floor
Today's training... quasi-DAY THREE: wasn't feeling great this morning, because work up at 4am with a sore throat. So took some man pills and did my best to suck it up...

JERKS @ 40-70-80-80 (sets of 3): Ropey at anything. Shoulders felt rough and sore from yesterday's Deadlift 1RM (was doing trap bar work before hand, so much less shoulder involvement), so struggled with full extension on the last set.

BACK SQUATS @ 70 (WU)-1110-130-130-130 (5-4-3-3):Ground these suckers out. Wasn't sure where I was going to be with my glutes still fried from yesterday, but although it was slow going and I managed an 'icecold comp' rep (ba-doomtish! :D) on the last 130, I was still happy to get this sort of volume in. Form was a little weak on the first set (depth only to parallel, forward bar travel and slight lower back rounding), probably because of my reservations about the weight. Second set was best, and I didn't want to check the third. :D

DRAGONFLAGS (2x5): Managed a full set-and-a-half of good shapes, so was happy.

Overall, I think I'm going to drop the weights on the jerks to make sure my technique doesn't suck too badly, and then lots of overhead work to get my shoulders into shape for this sort of thing.

Core is coming along nicely, and I could barely fit into my boxers afterwards because of dat glute/thigh pump.

I love leg days.
Urgh. Rubbish session today... felt like I didn't even get out of bed.

Hang snatch: (4x3: 40-60-60-60) first pull from the floor to get the movement and reset for the second pull. 60kg felt VERY heavy today. Shoulders just wouldn't get going, so wound up 'muscling' the bar overhead. Pretty disappointed.

Front squat: (WU-5-4-3-3: 70-90-100-110x2-100x2) Just couldn't get this working. Glutes stayed at home for the whole thing. Absolutely furious with myself. Had a chat with the resident coach who was happy with the shape but suggested dropping the working weight back 30/40% to get the activation pattern right. Really gutted that the back squat is working well, now, but being set back a lot with te fronties. :(

My current pattern/movement recruits quads and adductors, but leave sthe glutes until the 'partial squat' position, so am very rapid at the top but just can't get out the hole at all.

Chinups: consolation sets 2x6 @ BW. Just working on shape and hard scap retraction.

Very disappointed with today, but the patterns are the critical thing in all of this weightlifting, so am very happy to drop back and 'start again', as such. Onward and (eventually!) upwards, as such!
Oof... Front Squat Tuesdays! :eek:

45 minutes of just front squats. Saw-tooth loading (40-60-50-80-70-90) to try and get a feel for the glute activation and correct activation pattern. No idea how many reps, but each set was between 4 and 6.

My legs are completely b0rked, and my glutes feel like they've been put through a wringer! I'm am going to HURT tomorrow.

Did 3x5 on BORs @ 90kg but nothing else. Was out of time and energy by then. :)

Either way, the form on the front squats felt much better today - stripping back the weight to get the pattern right has really helped.

Was happy to bang out a lot of reps at 90kg, so we'll see how it goes from here.

Apologies if this isn't interesting reading, but hey. :D
Hmmmm... a DAY 2 workover.

- Hang clean (4x3): New technique time, trying for more double knee bend. And I sucked. Weights were 70-70-70-110xpulls (for the lolz). I have nice red knurling tracks on my thighs as a result...

- Trap bar deadlift (4x5): (110-160-160-160) Pretty happy with this. Lots of grunting was involved, but still happy.

- Single leg squats (5-4-3-3): BAILED because my legs were fried.

- Barbell rows (3x5): (90-90-90) Done yesterday, but again concentrated on form and was very strict, with torso just about horizontal and hard scap retraction.

- Bench press (5-5-5-4): (70-[100, 90x4], 92.5, 92.5) Yeah. Finally got to 100kg! :) Tried for a second but brought too much shoulder into it as I almost got squashed, so it didn't count. Then just upped the volume.

- Weighted side plank (3x45s): Ran out of time, so will do these at home.

Glad to finally get to 100kg on the bench. I feel somewhat validated for some reason. :D

Quads and thighs were still fried from yesterday, hence the rather unadventurous weights on the deadlifts, but overall, a nice wind-down to Christmas' deload.
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