Vanity Log: how much in a year?


Jerk training today. Managed to jaw myself with the barbell @ 50kg.because I wasn't concentrating. What a man breast. :mad:

Session involved weights from 40-80kg, with a lot of sets of 3, but spent the last quarter laughing at myself for being such a boob.

Unfortunately, it wasn't on film. :(
The festive season/recess is looming, so decided to go a bit silly in the gym today, basically because I'm sick and tired of all the sub-80kg lot lifting more than me. :D

Back squats:

140x1 (SCORE!): This felt pretty easy, so decided that 150kg was in order!
150Xf: :( Bracing blew out on the way back up, and had to drop onto the pins...
150x1 (SCORE!): Depth wasn't awesome, but hey! Beast Mode button almost broke with this, but it went up! Very happy with this... :D
150xf: Talked myself out of this and so wasn't coming back up.
130x3: Wasn't goign to manage more reps on this, so decided on some 'cardio' squatting...

Banded pushups (5-4-3): Pullup black band...

Deficit BSS (5x5x5): 22.5kg in each hand. Hamstrings well and truly mullared. Prepared for EpicDOMS tomorrow...

Dragonflags (2x5): These are getting easier with two relatively clean sets. Pretty happy.

All in all, I'm pretty happy with the quasi-totals for this year, even if the form on the deadlift and depth on squat wasn't what could be described as 'competition' valid...

My legs are still burning, however, with quads, hammies and glutes on fire, so I'm not sure hoe sitting through 3hrs of The Hobbit tonight is going to go down. :eek:
I won't be using them for back squatting at all! Hate the position it puts me in.

I'll more or less only be using them for oly stuff, and the occasional fronties and high bar back squats.
Post-holiday beasting!

First day back in the gym after the holidays, so muscles nice and loaded with calories to buuuuuuuuuuurn (mince pies and clotted cream f.t.w)! The general idea of this session was to go for as much brute forcing as possible with form intact so as to encourage any DOMS that may pop up to get here sooner... I can already feel it, as you will soon see...

HANG SNATCH (each set preceded by a first pull/scoop, and then overhead squat for 3 on the first 'rep')

70x3 (fast second pulls)

Pretty happy with this, actually. Spent a long time with just the bar, concentrating on the whole movement and getting my speed up. Will probably go for 70kg overhead next week, assuming DOMS hasn't crippled me.


70x5 (consolation set)

Not bad for a post-holiday workout. Happy that I could manage 110kg again with some better activation patterns, so the totals will come in time.



Goodness these were hard. I seemed to have lost a lot of oomph somewhere over the past week or so! My front delts were burning like I've never felt before, however, so tomorrow is going to be full of lovely pain.

DEFICIT BSS (weight is for each dumbell)


Strapped up for these, as my grip was in ruins. My hamstrings and glutes melted to the degree that I tried a front squat with just the bar afterwards and had to bail at the bottom because of the uber fatigue! :eek:



Some good strength, but will have to work on the endurance.



These suck. However, I was actually able to get as low as I've ever been (horizonal, in line! :eek: :cool:)on these, which was strange, but very good. My core was completed blitzed after this, however! :cool:

Overall, happy enough. Will get there with the front squat now that my technique is better, but DOMS is going to be crippling after the DBSS, OHP and FS volume, so I'm going to enjoy my New Year's Day holiday by being unable to move. Bring it on. :)
That's quite the workout for getting back into it! :D :D :D

You'll regret this tomorrow! Lol! :D

Yes, I certainly was. Yesterday was pretty unpleasant with that amusing feeling where my hips just refused to move (getting out of bed), and then my quads didn't really respond to my nervous system when I tried to stand up... :eek:

Traps were ruined, too, so decided today was a partial DAY 2...

Huge amount of stretching to start off - 25 minutes or so of rollering on the quads, glutes, back, with all kinds of hip rotational work and hamstring stuff. So only 40 minutes or so for lifting...

Hang clean (4x3)

40kg warmup (lots - faffing about with front squats, overhead squats, etc.). This told me my DOMS hadn't abated. This wasn't going to be fun...
70kg. Catch and squat.
90kg x3. Crikey, I was sore. My traps were not playing ball today, and my glutes just didn't seem to want to move. The last set was best, but urgh. What is nice, however, is that I'm not really ducking into a squat to catch the bar.

Deadlift (5-4-3-3)

110kg warmup (x5), and then...
140kg w/hook grip
150kg w/hook grip
160kg x 2. Had to strap up for the last set as my hands were ruined. All my callouses came off over Christmas, so this was pretty painful. :) Still, with straps the last set was almost easy. Almost.

Bench press (5-4-3)

Trying a different cue to get the lats more involved: rather than 'splitting the bar', I'm trying to 'bend the bar' upwards. It's probably a misunderstanding on my part, previously, but it felt a lot better. Was able to pause the bar for a count of 1 each time, whereas previously it was slow touch'n'go...

92.5kg: Oof... had to take a 10 second breather prior to the last rep. This felt VERY heavy.

BENT-OVER ROW (8-4-4) Tea-break workout. In the gym for 5-10 minutes. :) Damn, I love having an iron gym at work. :D

100kg: Yeah. 100kg BOR. Liking that. Lats are humming, however.

Not bad. I suppose I'm viewing this week as something of a warmup for next week, as I wasn't able to do any worthwhile training over the holiday period.

Interestingly, it would seem my upper body has suffered the most in terms of overall gainz reduction, with OHP and bench taking dives in the respective volume, but hey ho...
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Decided to give me legs a bit of a rest today, so it was upper body (split out from DAY 3's normal routine) today!

Some snatches at 60kg and resulting overhead squatting for a warmup.


+20kgx4x3. Had to pause before the final rep on these, but it was under 10s...


Wasn't sure how this would go, as my delts, traps, scaps and glutes were SORE today... Warmed up with the bar for a few.

70kgx3. Not too bad - a bit slow, but shape was ok.
90kgx3. Speed was a lot better, but the first couple had me twisting slightly, so couldn't get my feet lined up. The overhead bit was fine, strangely enough, but there we go.
95kgx3. This also went up strangely easily. Not quite sure what's going on here, but the dip and drive felt fast, the landing was clean and the overhead shot up very quickly. Could probably have had 100kg out of it, but I have nowhere to drop the weight... So each negative OHP at 95kg (current 1RM is 65kg!) has ruined my shoulders.

As such, going to have to break out the jerk blocks and train out of hours so I don't annoy the guys in the neighbouring office.

Either that, or off to Core Cambridge for the only accessible Olympic platforms for 70 miles. At £25/hour. :(
You're racing away from me now dude! :( I'm hoping to get back in the gym this Friday and then I'm working towards my membership of the 400kg club. :) You'll be pleased to hear I've got heavier (Fatter) recently. :D

Hopefully I'll get a "stake in the ground" pic up in my log tonight for a comparison next year. :)
Miron jerks!

I'm going to have my first play on Saturday, but I'll need about 3 hours of shoulder mobility to prevent them from falling off :(
Thanks... But until I can jerk more than Morba/Deception can press, I'm still just an Olympic girlyman. :D

Let me know how the session goes - you will be epic. :cool:

And +billion for shoulder mobility for prep work: I spend ages with rollers and training bars and balls prior to Olympic stuff! Even with all that, you will be in DOMS hell after your first session. It's the best. :)
"DAY 3" workout...

Shoulders were wrecked from jerk negatives yesterday, so very little overhead warmup work (no overhead squating) and even the normal barbell (alu one) shoulder dislocations hurt like something very painful. That must be a good thing, though. :D



70x5 for warmup...
140x1: just to see where my triple point was. Not here. :)
135x3 3RM PB SCORE!: Yup. There we go.
135x3: Posterior chain was flagging now...
110x8: Cardio set to get the buuuuuuuuuuuuuurn. Last two required shouting. Lots of shouting. Very happy to get over 2k in terms of volume, however. Hopefully will be more consistent with this, particularly for a first session after the Christmas recess...


Bust out the FatGripz for these, as grip on Wednesday's deadlifts was failing for the last sets. I know it's not a miracle cure, but big forearm pump is never a bad thing. :)


A bit of a waste of time for posterior chain work, really. No effort in the movement. However, my forearms were DYING by the end of it. I had to cut the exercise short because it was burning so much. :D I love my FatGripz. :)


2x5 was enough to get my abz on fire, so bottled a third set. However, the shape felt good and the strength was also pretty good, too. A bit surprised at that, but it just shows how important rest and feed is when training.

I forgot my banded pushups today, but I'll just do them during a coffee break. :)

I am really happy with how the back squatting is going - it's like the technique has suddenly clicked and I'm almost back into noob gains territory again. :)

Still, I'm going to be tired tomorrow!
Right, partial DAY ONE today...

I broke out the top level of the jerk blocks today to make sure I caould snatch without having to lower the bar and strain my shoulders during the movement. The noise the drop makes now is awesome. :D


HANG SNATCH (was strapped up for most of these due to the bigger rep count at higher weights)

50x3 (WU) + overhead squats each time
60x3 + overhead squats each time

Much better today. 70kg up overhead wasn't a problem as my back was in much better condition without having to brace for the drop-catch as I normally do.

The 'nice' thing is this is still power-snatching, and I'm no really having to squat much to catch the bar overhead.


60x5x2 (WU)
100x3x5 I can't remember if I managed a 6th set but I was trucked, anyway. My legs were fried from the number of sets, even if overall reps were low. Here's a video of the last set (warning - upper back bracing gets lost pretty early. You have been warned!):

So that would be an excellent time for...

DEFICIT BSS (weights are for dumbells in each hand...)

25x5. Dead. Could barely get off the benches to unload on this one.


OHP Shoulder dislocations to warm up (lots)

60x3+f (wound up as a pushpress)
60x2+f (pushpress again)...





If anybody's interested...

Not as low as I'd like, but this is about progression, right? :( :D

Very happy with the snatching and front squatting this morning. Had to get up at silly o'clock to get into the gym early enough to set up, but it was worth it. Really looking forward to the jerk session this week as a result. :)

This was an interesting session as my quads and hammies were fried from my 'cardio' squatting on Friday, but I haven't had such a good-feeling workout in a long time, even if no PBs were cracked. :)
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