VASSAL 40k Season 2

:( Theres always one that has to come and spoil the fun :(

Fine ill fill the rest as Plague Marines and oblits as ive now got 1,100 points to spend on elites, support and HQ... besides 6 squads of zombies still comes in at 210 models lol
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if my math is correct...

Standard Cultist squad = 50 points for 9 models + champ, and a maximum squad size of 35 units allows for 25 additional models at 4 points a model so for 150 points we get 35 models means I can get 11 full squads of zomies so 385 models + a squad of 10 models so 395 zombies which then leaves me 300 points for typhus :) Can't actually remember how many points he is off the top of my head

Edit: I stand corrected, from a quick scan of the tinterweb zombies can claim points :) woo.

You go mass zombies and I'll go mass grots :D

Except you're only allowed 6 troop choices :p

Kill joy :mad: :p
Of small problem.

Old laptop is completely dead, going to ask IT nicely again if I can install non work program's on my laptop, I'll update!
I may have been thinking, hmm, whose email addresses are on my team...

Strangely I nearly have my 2k army sorted, no idea about the others though!
No you don't but as you're on their can ask :p

Nobody had to reveal their army, but everyone decided to anyway! I'm fairly certain Newts is taking Tau and I assume Joel is playing Eldar.
Pfft co-ordination is for girls and people who want to win!

I'm Tau, you are all below me as you aren't part of the greater good so just do what I say! :p
Does the 500pt army have to contain units that are also in the 1000pt/2000pt armies? Or is it entirely individual. Also does the warlord from the larger armies have/need to be present for the 500pt?
It is an entirely separate entity (same with the other two) The Warlord can be different and any bonuses earned will simply pass over to the new warlord.
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