Video Game Hates

9 Dec 2006
Wanted to Share a list of video games Hates to see if its just a me thing or a community thing

  • no option for performance / graphic mode
  • No real gameplay taking you out of the game every second (you walk cutscene, you walk more cutscene)
    • examples
      • Tomb raider (its an adventure/action game so less torable here)
      • Last of us - to an extent but its done well & is a story game so less annoying
  • Micro transactions in general
  • Quick time Events
    • special those that makes you repeat button presses R2/L2 without accessibility changes to help.
      • examples
      • Tomb Raider you have to mash R2/L2 to climb (in the first?) I cannot do that with my disablity
  • you walk/run so slow its painful
    • Examples
      • Hell blade 1 & 2 ( I get it in this game its almost part of the story but its too slow)
  • tutorial areas
    • this is a hard one as some games do it well, but those that waste too much time teaching you
      • examples
      • Gears of war 5 - waste an hour learning nothing
      • Witcher 3 - decent example
  • more cinematic than gameplay
  • Non skippable cutscenes
  • Multiple versions of games with season pass or dlc

I bring these up as I'm playing Hellblade 2, whilst I enjoyed the first, the second so far feels like a struggle to play
  • slow movement ( 8 hour game is really 4 hours if you walked normally :lol:)
  • everything is so blurry you don't see any real detail unless its a face
  • audio is great
  • combat feels great, but its bunch of QTE like event that feel decent but want to be have more choice
    • its block block attack, then its block block evade, attack - repeated for entire "boss" fight
  • the puzzles are black, so far not as much but with slow walking its painful as hell

ps happy to add other peoples hates if they want to get it added to the list
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My main gripes are more the selling practices, day one dlcs and buy the "enhanced" version for an extra £25 and play 3 days early.

I wish that every game had skippable cut scenes but with a confirmation. I hate not been able to skip long scenes which I've seen just before and died (FFX) but a few times I've accidentally skipped scenes dropping a controller etc.
For me, the worst example from recent memory was playing FF7 Remake. Every few seconds/minutes control is taken away from you to move you in the intended direction or point something out and it just becomes annoying. Games like this treat you like an idiot and it made me stop playing. It's a shame because I feel there's probably a great game there underneath (never played the original).
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Games that are just generally poor. It's why i don't buy new games straight away anymore, i just can't be bothered.

There's numerous examples of the mentioned hates that don't detract from well favoured or reviewed games. Point being mechanics/designs are poorly thought out or tested.

My hate: IP gatekeeping.
I'd like to replay some older games on new hardware, legally, and see unfinished/unreleased content/code released, and i'm happy to pay too.
When you see a Steam review of an old game that talks about certain music removed, or some gameplay change, it just means i don't buy it. I'll keep my £2.99 and £9.99, ta muchly.
For me, the worst example from recent memory was playing FF7 Remake. Every few seconds/minutes control is taken away from you to move you in the intended direction or point something out and it just becomes annoying. Games like this treat you like an idiot and it made me stop playing. It's a shame because I feel there's probably a great game there underneath (never played the original).

If you don't mind old graphics and reading text, it's great. Just like many other well reviewed games, the lesser parts of the game are at the beginning. The opening section hasn't aged well at all, but because it's an RPG a slow start is kinda expected. I honestly couldn't blame anyone for not sticking with it, it's got loads of charm, but it can be a slog.
If you don't mind old graphics and reading text, it's great. Just like many other well reviewed games, the lesser parts of the game are at the beginning. The opening section hasn't aged well at all, but because it's an RPG a slow start is kinda expected. I honestly couldn't blame anyone for not sticking with it, it's got loads of charm, but it can be a slog.
What put me off playing the original (my brother had it) was the frequent turn based combat, which results in a similar feeling, a lack of control. I gave up pretty early on Baldurs Gate 3 for the same reason.
What put me off playing the original (my brother had it) was the frequent turn based combat, which results in a similar feeling, a lack of control. I gave up pretty early on Baldurs Gate 3 for the same reason.

That's a large part of the enjoyment in those games in many peoples opinion, so definitely worth skipping :)
Picked up Batman arkham Asylum the other day and it gave me 2 cutscene gripes.

Firstly was the game over screen, has a relevant character walk out for some spiel before showing the retry button. Fun at first, but if you keep failing a certain section over and over, gets a bit tiresome.

The other thing was that checkpoints always seemed to happen just before a cutscene trigger, so again, if you're useless like me, you have to wait for the game over screen to click retry, only to then get chucked into a repeated cutscene you have to spam to skip.

Although both easily fixed by getting good.

Otherwise, I hate a terrible menu UI. Can't remember the game, but played one recently on the playstation which started with a bit setup screen for all the config bits, and it was all set with a cursor controlled by the thumbstick. Was sick of it before even hitting actual game!
Main hate: People who moan about a game and yet they still keep playing it almost as a way to justify their continuous moaning.
Actually I'll also add people who played a game a long time ago but like to keep moaning about it months or years later.

In-game: Holding buttons to activate or select stuff, it's a horrible console thing that seems to have found it's way in to all games.
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