Video Game Hates

Engagement optimised matchmaking and scripting in online games to keep you playing and attempt to force 50/50 wins.

Had a few losses, well next game you get toddlers so you can so you can crush them feel good and you won't stop playing. Winning too much now it's your turn to be crushed. Other games just have blatent scripting (fifa/rocket league) or momentum systems to try and keep stuff close.

Can't just have matchmaking and let the games play out naturally have to have an invisible hand trying to keep you engaged.
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Especially when the person you're escorting moves slower than your run but faster than your walk speed. For the love of all that is unholy!!
1) Ending Credits that are un-skippable. (some go on for 15 mins+)
2) Games that have multiple endings (like 5-10 endings, it's just a ball-ache). Pretty much all the same apart from a slightly different ending scene.
3) As said before, holding a button down and slowly watching the icon go round just to open a chest or searching a dead body (WTF)
4) QTE (quick time events)
5) Un-skippable intro logo's.
6) Inventory weight limit (Especially with looter games) What's the point in that?

Other than that, I still love gaming :)
For me it's the tutorials that make you press every button before you can do anything. Like press Left to look left, unless you have never played a video game before you know how to move. Maybe I am just showing my age as when I was younger you have to read the manual or just work out the buttons which never took long.
Having a character creator with no idea what the skills, attributes etc. mean.

I've only just started the game, how do I know I want to spend 60 hours as that class or whatever.

If the game has a free respec option then not as important.

Oblivion did it pretty well considering its age, you picked your traits and skills but as you were about to exit the sewer and start the game proper you had the chance to change everything.
Games where you have to level up your gear. I don't wanna spend time finding items so I can make my weapon marginally better. Just give me the damn crossbow, maxed out and let me kill stuff with it!
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