Vince's Ebay Repair Thread - (Console Repairs & Mods)

Whats your reading in central position either side? Should read pretty much 5k on all of them in central position.
Hmm OK...

So if I do central.. On the left stick as i look at it from the soldering side.

Closest to end
Left + centre = nothing
Right + centre = 5.6

Closest to side
Left + centre = nothing
Right + centre = 5.73

Right stick as i look at it

Closest to end
Left + centre = nothing
Right + centre = 5.69

Closest to side
Left/right + centre both nothing.
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Hmm OK...

So if I do central.. On the left stick as i look at it from the soldering side.

Closest to end
Left + centre = nothing
Right + centre = 5.6

Closest to side
Left + centre = nothing
Right + centre = 5.73

Right stick as i look at it

Closest to end
Left + centre = nothing
Right + centre = 5.69

Closest to side
Left/right + centre both nothing.

So your bottom lines are the issue something on that line is being pulled down to ground. time to trace that back looking likely for a bad resistor or shorted cap. something like that on that line.
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So your bottom lines are the issue something on that line is being pulled down to ground. time to trace that back looking likely for a bad resistor or shorted cap. something like that on that line.
Honestly not a clue what I'm looking at, I can't see anything massively untoward? Uploaded some higher rez photos of the pcb on either side.

Honestly not a clue what I'm looking at, I can't see anything massively untoward? Uploaded some higher rez photos of the pcb on either side.

Everything analogue related appears to run into this chip...

so worth checking all the caps around that. make sure none of them are dead short across. you could trace back the specific line most likely...
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