Vince's Ebay Repair Thread - (Console Repairs & Mods)

5th and 6th pins along bottom row are the ones I replaced :) you can see them in Terry's photo :) I stole the 2 easiest to steal from the 1600x donor so when I find a cheap dead cpu floating about I can just pop a few pins on.
Silly question perhaps
But do the pin sizes change over time?
Ie if I find a really old athlon cpu
In a drawer
Would the pins fit modern amd cpus?
Silly question perhaps
But do the pin sizes change over time?
Ie if I find a really old athlon cpu
In a drawer
Would the pins fit modern amd cpus?

They do vary slightly, am3 pins are slightly shorter I think. All am4 cpus have the same length pins though. So really we want something crap like a late Bristol ridge. A working 1600x isn't the best donor for this.
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I failed to get the other memory channel working on the 5950x, ive inspected the chip bending and replacing broken pins for hours and that second channel will not come back for me, everything else seems to work, it boots from nvme, ive stress tested it everything is as you would expect. I suspect the memory channel went down due to some issues with the substrate, there are some fairly large gouges in a few areas and I think this is affecting it, i don't think the chip itself is the issue more damage to the substrate being the issue. So now its a mostly working 5950x and given its not used for gaming it shouldn't hamper it that badly. I've highlighted some of the worst damage below :(

Chip is now on its way back home!

I have a laptop which is on charge (using my bench supply because its power supply is seemingly shot) and im trying to work my way around that to figure it out. I also have a motherboard about half recapped but for now we call it a night.
its only going to be used for photoshop and video editing rendering etc not ganes

It will be fine, perhaps a minor performance hit but nothing earth shattering. It should be back with you according to my delivery platform thing so let us know how you get on. Hoping to ship back some other ocuk items over the coming few days! Got a motherboard and finally I'm thinking this laptop is also almost ready to head home.
New problem
With my asus G17 laptop on the touchpad the left click is sticking down using a mouse atm

Never a good thing, Ive actually got a rog apart at the moment! So update on the Zepherus, It came back with a shorted battery and a dead charger.... I have no idea.... Anyway I now have a new battery and ive been working on it today. So far it will charge the battery from a usb-c port using my bench supply, all good here acts totally normally and charging is normal. Given its supply is shot I Jerry rigged up an adapter:

and soldered that to its dc port and powered it up on my bench supply and another 150w laptop brick but it's only drawing approx 1.3 amps at 20v and crucially the battery doesnt register as charging.

I decided to strip it down again and found more damage under some covers on the rear of the board which I had a look at and cleaned up but its next to a chip responsible for the SD card so not the cause of our charge issues.

After that I went chip hunting to see if I can find our main battery management IC and tracked it down to this... A texas instruments bq24800 Buck Battery Charge controller. After having a little measure around it appears that these components all have a dead short to ground, I am no expert but im pretty sure it shouldnt be that way, measured directly at the chip before the resistors and the two pins are shorted together:

Probably going to have to find one of these chips if we want the barrel jack charger to work.
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yes just looking through this thread love the mod on the ROG above.

how do you know where to test ?

Well this one has charge issues but it's kind of weird... but before I get to that this little fella made me jump a bit earlier cleaning up my game gear pile and he just jumped out at me.

With the laptop It's just about measuring dc in, seeing where that goes etc but the charge circuit on this thing seems to be mostly controlled by this chip and when I wasn't having much luck tracking down any faults I just started looking at chips under the scope as soon as I saw a chip labelled bq I knew we were in the right area as the switch also uses a bq chip for battery management.

This is how its behaving on first usb-c slow charger followed by on ac. Ac will power the machine but will not charge it.

It could yet be a diode or something but I think we are getting closer. Need to try and source a bq chip I think.

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Cute spider
Luckily we don't find these in our
Game gear pile
My little friend from visit to oz last year
Even found one in the hoover handle
Which was sitting in the garage

Yep you're doing great stuff there
Keep up the good work mate
im still not 100% sure its that bq... I mean it could be something else! but those shorted lines are making me think its that. I have it back up charging on my steam deck charger!

Going to put it back on the bench now and see what it does. Really curious as to why the barrel jack won't charge it
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few days ill have a proper charger for it and hopefully a replacement chip... we shall see if I am right :) Few days... what am I talking about... Ive just ordered from china as I cant find them sensible price anywhere so meh... @embalse - I am going to end up with this thing here forever :( Sorry its talking so long dude! I think I now know at least or have a good idea.

Estimated delivery date on BQ24800 is 28th august :( It might even work with the proper charger if its some sort of smart charger im not sure... I will know in a few days on that. Im not opening a power supply so i grabbed a new one for it :)
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All the bits for the 9 consoles that are currently on the shelf for restoration got here... 3 GG builds all IPS's and the good stuff (cases from uk still not here), 3 Gameboy Pockets + IPS etc, A Gameboy Colour + IPS etc, An atari Lynx MK1 LCD mod kit. Shells and all sorts! This will be a lot of fun :)

These are all just builds for stuff I bought that I havent yet got around to but am excited as we should have some very nice machines at the end.
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