Vince's Repair Thread - (Console Repairs & Mods)

@Vince Am I right in thinking you need to solder to change a pot of an Xbox controller? Got drift in my right stick, thinking it's probably cheaper to just replace the whole thing (only a standard red pad)
What's the go to for ps5 stick replacements then? I keep meaning to get around to doing mine and there seems to be a new stick every week.

You've got gulikit tmr, hallpi tmr (maybe same as gulikit?) + what seem to be loads of random hall effect sticks. What's the go to stick?
What's the go to for ps5 stick replacements then? I keep meaning to get around to doing mine and there seems to be a new stick every week.

You've got gulikit tmr, hallpi tmr (maybe same as gulikit?) + what seem to be loads of random hall effect sticks. What's the go to stick?

I have no idea but the ginfull ones do ok
Thanks. If there is no go to, think I'll give the hallpi tmr a bash.

They are the same are the Gulikit which seem to be well reviewed, just no fancy retail package or thumbstick caps. So can get a pair for £5ish.
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