My friend found out earlier this week he's paying £43/month for M125 - he doesn't download a great deal but was trying to help him get something installed over Discord and he told me the speed he was getting. I said it didn't sound right as knew what was available in the area and then he checked his package/pricing, which is how we found out. He's basically let his contract he took 2 years ago just bill monthly without any real concern.
The virgin page says he can get the 1gig package for £45 as a new customer, however when he uses his admin area to try and get an upgrade, it wants another £22/month just for the 500 package, taking him to £65/month.
I assume he should just be able to call and haggle for a better deal or will he likely need to threaten cancellation?
The virgin page says he can get the 1gig package for £45 as a new customer, however when he uses his admin area to try and get an upgrade, it wants another £22/month just for the 500 package, taking him to £65/month.
I assume he should just be able to call and haggle for a better deal or will he likely need to threaten cancellation?