I told them on both phone calls that BRSK is where I'd be going if they didn't give a decent deal.You will only get the better Deals from the retentions staff if you actually cancel your contract and wait for them to call you.
If you just phone up by yourself looking for a better deal ,, you will be speaking to someone who has limited offers to give you.
If you are serious about joining BRSK just let the Virgin contract run out ,, then terminate it once you have the BRSK connection up and running.
That's the plan. I'll be cancelling once BRSK is live and contract runs out mid month. It will be the day after contract expires I terminate virgin. I'll be phoning BRSK tomorrow to get the ball rolling and hopefully can arrange the install for around 3rd Jan.
I'm expecting to get charged a final month by Virgin, but the lower cost of BRSK will cushion that a bit and I'll have 900/900 so fingers crossed all works out.