Virgin Media Discussion Thread

Got upgraded to 100mbps the other day, but only from 3 -> 6 mbps upload, it's pretty bad especially compared to what some of my friends normally get (10-20mbps.) Anyone know why the upload is so bad?

It's the nature of a network that was originally designed to send cable TV. VM's upstream is more scarce and therefore more precious, hence their continued aims to stifle any server-type applications that might use a lot of upstream direct from the customer's desktop.

In short, they won't spend the money to upgrade because they've always run the business on a model of over-selling bandwidth and hoping all their customers won't want to use it at the same time
Recyling (not so super) SuperHub Mk1.

Received a Superhub Mk2 in the post (£20 "postage") and it is working well. The note in the box said the old one would be collected. Rang them up to ask when and they said they would sort it and send me a label. Then I had an email saying they don't want it back - just recycle it - i.e. bin it. Anybody else had this - just checking before I bin it!

Thanks, Mel
Been with VM since Nov 2012 on the 30mb package priced at £27.99 then in in Feb 2013 I added M+ TV and went up to 35.99. In Feb I cancelled the TV and kept the broadband at £25.99.

I've come to cancel as I'm moving into a house with a pre-existing contract and they've informed me there's 12 months remaining on my contract and I have to Pay £127.

Does that sound reasonable? I didn't realise that I've been reset on the contract for meerly cancelling and seemily offered a discount on the 30mb package when to me it only went back to what it used to be before I upgraded. It's also only 30mb which doesn't appear to be an option to order anymore, the min is 50mb.

I've been with Virgin for years now off and on, what's the best way to deal with this?

Also is it possible to have two Virgin broadband connections to the same property?
Seems I've got my speed boost today. :)

Does anyone have any weather related issues? As soon as it gets rainy and cloudy you can bet my connection has problems - usually no internet access.
Does anyone have any weather related issues? As soon as it gets rainy and cloudy you can bet my connection has problems - usually no internet access.

There's probably a leak in your box on the wall or at the cabinet/pit. It rains, a bit of water gets in, and your connection falls over. Leave it long enough, and something will probably corrode and kill the connections completely.

You should keep a weather/connection diary for a bit and report it to VM. It might be obvious once the wall box or cab is opened up and your connection is inspected/tested.
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Virgin Media: Supercharged!

I was checking my VM account yesterday night and hovering over the button to upgrade from 60mb to 152mb, I dont have a need for 60mbs really let alone 152mb but thats besides the point!

I decided against it as 60mb was fine and I was getting 7.5mbs download from most sources anyway despite speed tests showing 60mb but actual downloads coming in at 7.5mb.

Again, logged in tonight as its obviously something I should do.. isn't it? To my surprise it said "You have been supercharged!" I was really confused as it said I was going to get an upgrade from October onwards so I thought maybe I went one step too far when clicking the upgrade button but nope, checked all of my bills, I didn't sign up to anything and my current bill remains the same.

Checked my DL speed, still 60mbs. Reset my router and modem, waited 30seconds and..

Just a heads up to everyone here on VM, specifically in the Newport or Southwales ish area that you may have been upgraded earlier than planned or I may have a glitch in the matrix.

Eitherway its now made that upgrade button a whole lot less worth pressing! :D
Going to try to get some money knocked off my Virgin today...any tips from people experienced in this?

Yeah, be prepared to actually leave them for someone cheaper. Explain that you just can't justify spending this much when there is a cheaper alternative. You want an incentive to stay with them, but you need to feed your hungry children!
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