Virgin Media Upload Speed Upgrades

As part of the roll-out and in order to ensure fair usage of available capacity Virgin Media will be rolling out a new traffic management system at peak times

Still hope 50Mbps doesn't get affected!
Still hope 50Mbps doesn't get affected!

For customers on its premium up to 50Mb service, this temporary slowdown will only operate on upload speeds and an extremely heavy user will see this reduce from up to 5Mb to up to 1.75Mb, above its pre-upgrade level of 1.5Mb. Despite these peak time traffic management measures, Virgin Media fibre optic broadband remains without monthly usage limits.

Its being rolled out over the next 12-18 Months it seems!

Keep an eye on this site for when it's going live in your area!

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Pity the 50meg users are now getting managed. True, they're not limiting downloads, but a blanket restriction on p2p traffic is never good and fluctuation uploads (5 to 1.75 if you pass the 6 gig limit) will make qos more difficult.

I'm sure everyone will be able to sidestep these minor issues as soon as they're willing to pay up for 100meg lines ofc :p
It's not a blanket restriction on P2P, they say it's only filesharing type P2P that should be affected. Keeping the speeds up and doing DPI might be hard but as I dont use P2P I don't care.
I like it, the traffic management on 50mb looks reasonable to me, but the increased upload will be really nice at times :)
The uplaod limit is high enough it won't be a major issue for most people (and when it does get managed, is still what it was before the upgrade).
What's this all about then? It seems VERY vague and you're all glossing over it?

File sharing

At peak times we also slow down the speed of file sharing traffic – that's services like Limewire, Gnutella, BitTorrent and Newsgroup (Usenet) traffic. You will, of course, still be able to use these services, but downloads and uploads will take longer during these peak periods.

We moderate the total volume of file sharing traffic on our network between 5pm and midnight on weekdays and midday and midnight on weekends. This policy is restricted to Peer to Peer ("P2P") applications and Newsgroups (which are commonly used to distribute large amounts of data)

So we've no idea what they class as heavy usage, no idea what they'll slow the speed down to, and we lose three hours in the evening for Usenet traffic (9pm - midnight). Essentially we have two types of traffic management now?
Nice to hear about the upload increase, but what is all this I am reading about the speeds being lowered for P2P services.

Its being rolled out over the next 12-18 Months it seems!

Keep an eye on this site for when it's going live in your area!

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It says Warwick is already enabled, Iw onder if this is the whole of Warwickshire eg S-o-A or just Warwick town.
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How much will they limit the traffic by though during 5-midnight and midday til midnight on weekends?

They reckon you'll be down to 25% of network capacity, though as the poster I linked to says, it's all very unclear what that means. Basically, those users who upgraded to 50mb to get away from throttling, are still clear from throttling, BUT they're now subject to shaping which means slow Usenet downloads during the day (let's be honest, this is the main reason why those users upped to 50...)

People are getting excited by the increased upload smokescreen when really they should be very concerned by the other limits VM have put in place.
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