Visibly upset child made to run daily.

So is the adult breaking the law using a powered bicycle on a public footpath, (which I assume IS still illegal?) or is he riding it on the road? Not that I think you should interfere, but if you feel like making a citizen's arrest...?

Yes, he's on the foot path and it's not a slow thing either. I won't be making a citizens arrest though.
Some odd replies in the thread.

If your spidey-sense is tingling then you are right to double-check yourself. If it’s odd, it’s odd. If the child is perpetually upset than that’s clearly not great is it....

I’d probably try and observe the situation more to form a better judgement.

Yeah, I once or twice I can imagine it's just kids being kids.

If the majority of the time a kid is crying and the father is apparently quite cold I'd think twice about if I was comfortable not doing some thing.

Maybe even just call your local social services, explain what you've seen and ask whether they would be concerned.

For me, this sort of thing you err on the side of caution and get professional advice.
Sounds like a case of **** parenting to me. If the kid doesn't want to do something, making him do it even though he's crying isn't going to earn dad any respect in the future. The kid might even grow up to hate him and the exercise he's forcing the kid to do, thereby making the kid obese. I also wonder if this is the only thing he does that visibly upsets the kid, who knows.

Either way, if dad can't get the kid to do something and enjoy it, he probably shouldn't be a dad in the first place.
It's crazy to think that this dude, running his kid around the block (whether it's abuse or just really crap parenting when there are way better and less miserable ways to get your kid to exercise aside) and he has no idea that a militia of advocates of forced exercise are having a pitched battle with child welfare advocates on an Internet forum.

My personal view is that the dad is a knob, btw. Losing your temper and storming off (on a bloody scooter), is not how you show your child how to behave. You encourage, you talk, you lead by example. They're kids ffs.
What do any of those things have to do with the way the child was being treated?

It is of note that there are many roles, Athletics being one, Music being another, even academia. where to reach the top of the field you have to start very young.

For (Almost) every prodigy, there is a young child who was forced into it by determined and obsessive parents.

"You WILL learn to play the Piano, Jessica!"

The acceptability (Or not) of this is really quite complex.
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