Vista/Stalker save game crashes [FIXED]

ffs its still crashing for me, tbh i might just wait for a real patch.

edit: How the hell do i reverse the BCEDIT 2900 thing?, seems to of killed my FPS in other games.
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indigo74 said:
Right-o, like a lot of people I've been pretty "annoyed" at not being able to play stalker without crashing to desktop in Vista every time I save, hit escape, etc. etc. when running in DX9 mode....

Finally this afternoon a working solution! I've been playing for the last 2-3 hours without a single crash, I can save, running at 1920x1200 res with everything maxed....

You need to manually patch the binary using the Microsoft Binary File editor to large memory addressing and also adjust the boot parameters of Vista. I believe it's slightly different in 64bit Vista (which I'm not running) but I'm sure someone can add to this post once that's been worked out.

Copy the XR_3DA.exe to a safe location (In case it all goes wrong)
For a command prompt (run with admin rights)
BCDEDIT /set increaseuserva 2900

Now the only problem with this solution is sourcing the EDITBIN utility that comes with Visual Studio (For those with VS, Find it in the VC98\BIN directory under the main Visual Studio directory).

BCDEDIT is part of Vista so that's not a problem....

Can some one explain how i do this in noob language :confused:

Thanks :)
Just to let you know.

This fix also works for BF2142 and memory dll errors on loading new titan maps

causing CTD

Just apply the same hack to BF2142.exe and copy it back to the game folder.
NeoReloaded said:
Can some one explain how i do this in noob language :confused:

Thanks :)


Download this file and put it somewhere on your hard drive;6791818;/fileinfo.html

Extract the file above and look for a txt file called STARTME and right click , and select EDIT

look for entrys for supreme commander and replace all those entrys with XR_3DA.exe (see next post down)

Now save and copy your XR_3DA.exe from your stalker folder into the same location as 3GB enabler and then run 'STARTME'

Follow the instructions from there, and once done, copy the newly edited XR_3DA.exe back into your stalker folder (rename the original XR_3DAOLD.exe just incase.

Now open up Command Promt, run as administrator and copy and paste the following line into it and hit return

BCDEDIT /set increaseuserva 2900

Exit and reboot for changes to take effect

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It should look something like this when edited

@Echo off

echo ------------------------------------------
echo --- This will allow SupCom to use more ---
echo ------ than 2GB addressable space --------
echo ------------------------------------------
echo Make a backup of your original supremecommander.exe.
echo Please make sure that the supremecommander.exe has been copied to this folder.
echo Then press any key to continue.
pause > nul
echo ------------------------------------------
echo --- This will allow SupCom to use more ---
echo ------ than 2GB addressable space --------
echo ------------------------------------------
echo Choose what to do with large address header...
choice /n /c:arvde Choose (A) to Add, (R) to Remove, (V) to View current header, (D) for directions, or (E) to exit program:

REM check for file
IF NOT EXIST XR_3DA.exe goto exitout

if errorlevel 5 exit

if errorlevel 4 goto directions

if not errorlevel 4 if errorlevel 3 goto view

if not errorlevel 3 if errorlevel 2 goto remove

if not errorlevel 2 if errorlevel 1 goto add

echo This allows you to alter the header of the executable to allow supcom to address more than 2GB of RAM.
echo Add - adds the functionality
echo Remove - removes the functionality (or use a backed up original supremecommander.exe)
echo View - dumps the headers of the executable. When viewing the dump scroll all the way up
echo and look for the line that says "Application can handle large (>2GB) addresses".
echo This means the application can now address more than 2GB and it is enabled.
echo *Remember to edit your boot.ini to add the /3GB switch allowing XP to use 3GB for applications.
goto menu

dumpbin /headers XR_3DA.exe
echo ______________________________________________________________________
echo Scroll to the top and look for section "FILE HEADER VALUES".
echo Then look for a line in that section that says "Application can handle large (>2GB) addresses".
echo If you see that line then the executable is enabled to handle greater than 2GB, you are done.
goto menu

echo Large Address Aware has been removed.
goto menu

echo Large Address Aware has been enabled.
goto menu

echo The XR_3DA.exe has not been copied to this folder.
echo Press any key to exit.
pause > nul
For BF2142 or any other exe you want to try, just rename them to XR_3DA.exe and run the startme, then rename them back to whatever they were before.

Just saves editing everytime
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