I wont be signing a petition. It's petty. The reasons for far outweigh the reasons against..
(In my 'can't be arsed' state):
*Cultural Diversity.
what is good about that? If it is good why do so many muslim countries work so hard to ensure there is not any?
*Ethnic and religious appeasement.
appeasement? WTF? Why?
*Re-investing a small percentage of those taxes paid by members of said religion as they would see fit.
No-one spends my taxes in accordance in whole or in part with what I personally want. Why should the pipedreams of minorities matter more than spending on policing, health, education and the general good....
*It will most likely be built in a modern style and represent forward thinking architecture.
So what? It is wholly irrelevent to whether it should be built at all
*It will be a clean, safe, convenient and most likely a very cosmopolitan mosque.
So what? Are all other mosques filthy infested ****holes then?
*It will make everything smell like curry™.
Are you a recipient of care in the community or simply here to troll
That is the problem isn't it?. That they all smell funny and plan to destroy us all?.
IS the purpose of Islam to integrate or to dominate? Is Islamic instruction to convert or to go with the flow? How well has Islam integrated to date in this country - or any other?
So far the thread has delivered this:
A retarded comment about curry..... because all muslims are from pakistan right......
What a crock.
Oh indeed