I needed a pair of Raptors in a hurry and he had two. I picked them up. Apparently I now drove 500 miles to save a fiver. Apparently now, having been invited to have a cup of tea with him, I should worship him. I disagree.
He acts like a ****** and I call him on it and he doesn't like it.
Some time ago, Easyrider actually did some overclocking, and, if I recall correctly wasn't too shabby at it either. Recently though he just seems to post inane threads about his car, guitar collection - almost anything except computers, yet he still feels he has the 'gravitas' to turn up and tell those of us who actually are out there testing what it's all about. And he still likes to ridicule people who don't sell their stuff as soon as they've got it on the basis that you can upgrade and it won't cost you anything. Well, OK, yes you can, but to use and enjoy something you have to have it.
Easyrider recently started a thread on another forum entitled 'Do you like Easyrider' and he was somewhat surprised when the overwhelming response was "no, we don't like Easyrider" and he was so reviled he was actually banned. Now, he said it was a joke, but it wasn't funny. Least of all for Easyrider.
And anyone who tries to explain to him that acting the way he does won't make him any new friends is a 'sad little man'.
Well, OK, I'm a sad little man, but I'm a sad little man with friends and if I could be dragged, kicking and screaming to the point where I did post a thread "Who likes WJA96", I'm pretty sure that it wouldn't be as one-sided as Easyrider's was.