Thanks for the info. Count me among the "got hopes up" brigade - somehow managed to get an order through half an hour after it all went crazy. Out of sheer morbid curiosity, how did they appear in stock in the first place?All orders are cancelled, sorry for getting your hopes up, tried to solve a problem for Scott and ended up making a bigger one with the website. Most orders I have managed to cancel I think before the payment would have even left your banks. For those that did leave they should be back in your back normally within 24 hours, if you are having any issues, please leave a message with us and we will look in to it.
Total orders - 1016 Even with Cloudflare and the bot banning it seems the bots are getting through. As most of this was within 5 minutes of the issue going live.
Just realised it sounds like I'm demanding answers, which I'm not. Just interested as a web dev myself what happened as they genuinely were "in stock" as far as the store was concerned.