While a valid point and worth considering (you could also be stung on a yearly sub or a monthly sub if the company folds), I have two lifetime subs from two different providers and neither has stung me (yet). I use PureVPN (not the best, but OK) and TigerVPN, for other reasons a 3rd party also gives me NORD VPN accounts if I want them free of charge. Out of all of them, Tiger is probably the most reliable for me, initially I think I signed up for something daft like $19 for life with one device, from various promotions I now have 3 devices and haven't paid a penny extra. If they all folded tomorrow I couldn't complain, i've had more than fair usage out of them. I also had PIA for two years, the only discernible difference is this hasn't got an ongoing cost. If I was doing things that really, really needed the absolute last word in privacy i'd probably do it differently, for downloads/streaming/general privacy this is OK.