eidolon said:
Saw this Lotus Elise/Exige Turbo engine on eBay too, though "The seller ended this listing early because of an error in the listing" - probably due to the mixup over which engine it actually is, but that's worth watching...eidolon said:
eidolon said:Very nice. Keep me updated with how you get on with the Boxster. It's a car I'm considering myself so I'd be interested in your opinions.
eidolon said:What engine has your boxster got?
eidolon said:What engine has your boxster got?
The_Dark_Side said:you're such a sceptic.
Will Gill said:i owned the good one and that was dull, so the lower version must be dull as dish water
Muncher said:Trouble is, once you spec up a Boxster with the kit you want, you get to 996TT X50 money or 996 GT3 money pretty quickly, I think that's why it makes sense as a relatively lower spec car.
[TW]Fox said:I really want to drive an Elise