Well I got back from the morning session at Brands and I think it was an amazing effort from VX and I couldnt think of a better deal for £95!
Now I love cars but im not a schu'y wannabe and had no previous track experience. I also drive a rubbish car at the moment so for me it was absolutely fantastic and I rarely found myself being held up as I was probably slow (sorry super sonic peops). I rarely had to wait more than 30 seconds for the next car to come in and had a go in most cars at least twice. Going out with Chilton and the other guy was fantastic and its hard to beleive just how much faster they go than your average human

. I asked if I could film the lap with my camera but was told the marshals wouldnt be happy??
The autotest was cool and it was nice to apply a liberal amount of handbrake. I got 40.1 which I was pleased with as people started off at about 50. something. The handbrake parking was a lot harder than I thought and I stuffed up both attempts. Not sure if anyone picked it up but at Brands we were taught by a certain Paul Swift. When it was my turn I asked if he was son of Rus Swift and indeed he was!
All this for £95 including getting fed & watered along with all the freebees is a fantastic offer. Not convinced this will happen again and I fail to see they recouping any costs!?