Getting to work like that in the rush hour??????
He's one wheel short of a bicycle if you ask me.
He's one wheel short of a bicycle if you ask me.
I did'nt think anyone paid road tax?
I thought it was Vehicle excise duty.
Serious question. What is the law regarding cyclist pulling over if they have a que of traffic behind them? Tractors drivers always get abuse for this but a large proportion of road users dont seem to realise you have get the vehichle and any implement fully off the road and especially around here there are very few opportunities for this. Out of the multiple cyclist I see daily only one old chap ever pulls over to let the traffic past if he is causing a backlog of traffic.
Serious question. What is the law regarding cyclist pulling over if they have a que of traffic behind them? Tractors drivers always get abuse for this but a large proportion of road users dont seem to realise you have get the vehichle and any implement fully off the road and especially around here there are very few opportunities for this. Out of the multiple cyclist I see daily only one old chap ever pulls over to let the traffic past if he is causing a backlog of traffic.
You should never ride more than two abreast, and ride in single file on narrow or busy roads and when riding round bends
Unicycle really is this a new hipster trend now?
Next week a London Pogo-Stick user knocks themselves into a coma when hitting a low bridge on their way to Starbucks.
Unicycles should be filed a grade below recumbent bikes.
I see a guy cycling home on a recumbent every day at about 22:30 on a dual carriageway.
He has lights and his visibility to other road users is still trash.
Unicycling in heavy traffic is uhh... equally troll
There's legal and there's stupid.
She could have at least stop having sex whilst recording that.
Epic. Impressive they moved it at all.