1.65V is way too high for 10-11-11-30 2T

mine needed about 1.475 for 10-11-11-24 or so @2200

current settings are 1.575 or so for 9-11-11-22 1T - 2133

Aye I know especially considering it'll do decent timings at stock volts and 1866mhz. Just wanted to find a stable setting then work down from there. Will try upping tRFC tonight.

You on Z68 and Sandy though?
Z68 and SandyBridge, wouldn't expect you to be able to play as much as SB-E and IvyBridge.
2133MHz on SB can be a struggle for some. If you can't sort it out with more voltage to the IMC then I would advise 1866MHz with tight timings.
bios could also be limiting you,same thing happened on gigabyte boards until they vastly improved their bios's to support this memory

2133mhz on sb should be doable @1.55v dram
4x4gb, DDR 2443, 10-12-12-24-1T-96.

Should really try and update my bios to see if I can get my sammys to play nice, cl10 2400mhz is really peaking my interest :p
I don't think it was stable, PS2 just crashed out on me a few times but it's OK now I've gone back to 2050mhz. It's amazing how you can do loads of stress testing but nothing beats using the PC for stability testing.

Edit; nope it's crashed again while cruising the menu. Looks like it could be the update that they pushed out tonight and not my system.
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Got 16GB running (just!) at 2133 11-15-15-40-2T-160, painfully slow. Have a hunch my motherboard doesn't like this memory AT ALL.

CL9 2133 kits by teamgroup are looking tempting.
MSI Xpower II, updated to the latest bios (v2.1) tried large over-volts on SA/VTT/PLL with dram at 1.65v, anything 'tighter' then 11-15-15 at 2133 or any timings at 2400 just fails to post with memory training error code.
tried emailing msi and asking them to test/improve with sam green?

far as I know it runs best on asus boards,gigabyte second and msi/asrock tend to struggle with it
I'll just cut my losses and stick them on the mm unfortunately :(

It's not an IMC issue as I've had sticks running just fine at over 2400mhz cl11, so that narrows it down to the board.

Found a nice 16gb kit of cl10 2400mhz tridentx that I may snap up :)
Maybe I spoke too soon...

Been reading literally all day about X79, SA and Intels specs. Keep SA/VTT within 0.3v safely up to 1.4v to attain higher memory clocks was the conclusion.

Core voltage: 1.39v
SA: 1.36v
VTT: 1.36v
Dram: 1.65v

Already at 11-12-12 2133 and still working. So it could be that the MSI board responds differently to other X79 boards with regards to IMC related voltages?
Maybe I spoke too soon...

Been reading literally all day about X79, SA and Intels specs. Keep SA/VTT within 0.3v safely up to 1.4v to attain higher memory clocks was the conclusion.

Core voltage: 1.39v
SA: 1.36v
VTT: 1.36v
Dram: 1.65v

Already at 11-12-12 2133 and still working. So it could be that the MSI board responds differently to other X79 boards with regards to IMC related voltages?

What CPU speed you running with that voltage?
Yep this is what I read, under water up to 1.4v is supposed to be safe...I thought I was going too high by pushing them to 1.25v...probably where my initial issues came from.

CPU is now at 4ghz 1.39v (overkill for just now) as I need to see what the memory will do before I ramp it up to 5ghz for benches.

CPU is a quad 3820.

Now at 10-11-11 and still dropping, haven't touched CR, tRAS or tRFC yet though, they are still at 2T, 40 & 183 respectively. Next up 9-11-11 then down to 9-10-10 if I'm lucky.
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