Warframe... Anyone on here play?

Starting out I always found it best to keep at least 2 of each of the most useful mods like base damage, health or shields.
One that is upgraded as much as you can and the other non or minimally upgraded to initially put in new weapons and frames until you level them up enough to fit the more upgraded mod.
Starting out I always found it best to keep at least 2 of each of the most useful mods like base damage, health or shields.
One that is upgraded as much as you can and the other non or minimally upgraded to initially put in new weapons and frames until you level them up enough to fit the more upgraded mod.

Once you u lock hydron on Sedena you can get a weapon to lol 30 in about 15-20 defence waves
i must be doing something wrong

come home from work, claimed my Rhino blueprints and they've disappeared, cant use it, still in foundry for 375 plat

its only in my inventory, so i must be doing something wrong or I'm missing something ?

here's what i have :

can anyone help with my Rhino warframe please ?

there's supposed to be a 72 hour one to do once all 3 are done, but not showing up, must be doing something wrong ?
@ShiWarrior I think you need to buy the Rhino Blueprint from the market for credits (25k from memory), you've got the three parts so the blueprint will put them all together into a useable Warframe.

The market is the terminal to the right up in the ships cockpit btw :)
oh really ?

i thought the idea of doing the boss until you get all 3 blueprints was to avoid buying it..

bugger ! :(

Oh no its not buy with money!

You have the comments blueprints

Chasis, systems, neuroptics.

Once those are made you combine the 3 with the "rhino" blueprint.

The blue prints are for sale for in game credits which you have lots of not the real money platinum. (The platinum buys the warframe outright)

There's a filter on the shop to only show "blue prints" these cost credits not platinum.

You have 560,000 credits the blue print you need is 35k credits so pocket change to you :D
ahh, found it, Market/Warframe
look for desired one

click on it
2 options

platinum or credits

i chose credits

we are now in business

just done the maroo missions
then noticed there's a place called Maroo or something went there

and , what on earth is going on here ! LOL

looks like they are holding a button down permanently

I was playing a while ago a few years ago. I unlocked more planets and asteroids and for several hours I had a great time doing missions with other online players.
However, at one time more items cost credits and grinding took too much time. Has it changed?
I was playing a while ago a few years ago. I unlocked more planets and asteroids and for several hours I had a great time doing missions with other online players.
However, at one time more items cost credits and grinding took too much time. Has it changed?

Credits aren't particularly hard to get from memory, I seem to remember using Rhino to do the Index a couple of times and having plenty to keep me going for a while.
over 700K Credits now, so easy to get stuff on this mission on this planet, so many people playing on this one is amazing, you always team up with another 3 players, all very high warframes

i am struggling a little now, need a 3rd warframe slot
not sure what's the best thing to do and id like some advice please

I'm quite happy to farm warframe parts and sell them for platinum

bare in mind my mystery level is only 4
i just keep doing defence mission. Jupiter "10"
lots of Endo :)
and i got like 600K credits now

There’s a survival miaoo you can do in5 mins that gets 15k a time iirc. Google should give it

first mission of the day you do gets double credits too
i am struggling a little now, need a 3rd warframe slot
not sure what's the best thing to do and id like some advice please

I'm quite happy to farm warframe parts and sell them for platinum
In order of cheapest (time and money)
1. Delete a frame
2. Farm prime parts and sell on Warframe.market
3. Throw some money DEs way (they deserve it)

Depends on what you wanna do. If you're just messing about and don't see you playing much longer, #1.
If you wanna play for a very very long time and don't see yourself tiring out, #2.
Otherwise #3, and keep the platinum exclusively for slots. You can always make some side plat selling the dup prime parts along the way. There's so much to do in the game, that both farming plat and farming everything else could take forever.

My strat was if it can be built without plat, build it. If it needed plat, pay real money for it.

Except recently. Relic farming has me losing the will to live so I just throw plat at new primes
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