Warframe... Anyone on here play?

funny you should mention that, the other guy just stormed it to the end asap lol

i was opening crates and killing along the way, is that the best way ?

I'm not sure there really is a best way, I like to run around the levels so I end up getting seperated from the rest of the group a lot of the time lol. I am a noob though so god knows which method is best.
Back when i played, I would speed run levels if i was grinding someting. I would recommend if you're new to the game exploring the levels, because you will learn the maps and the secret areas of the map (especially the orokin maps). eventually you'll get bored and speed run them so you can get the loot you actually want. :p
I don't think I've done a lot of the stuff on that infographic - if anyone wants to do some stuff with a noob like me, let me know :D
I had a look at the infographic and I have no idea what the creator was smoking.

It's simple ABC - always be constructing :D

Build everything you can, buy every bp off the market you can and build it, farm every piece you can.
At the same time collect as many mods as you can, and level them up with the Endo you collect.

This is all while levelling your warframe and weapons during missions.

Everything else will fall into place around that. Telling noobs to farm for reactors and catalysts straight off the bat is a good way to get them ditching the game.
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I had a look at the infographic and I have no idea what the creator was smoking.

It's simple ABC - always be constructing :D

Build everything you can, buy every bp off the market you can and build it, farm every piece you can.
At the same time collect as many mods as you can, and level them up with the Endo you collect.

This is all while levelling your warframe and weapons during missions.

Everything else will fall into place around that. Telling noobs to farm for reactors and catalysts straight off the bat is a good way to get them ditching the game.

haha thanks for confirming that - I've been playing a while and building whatever I could but I'd stalled with knowing what to do next in the order of things. I'd done the Sacrifice quest line but stopped not long after that.

I'll jump back in and see what to do next :D
lol i must be a compete noob, no idea what your talking about ! haha

somethings I've managed to do so far :

Fused mods and added to my wareframe

I've upgraded my Health and shield regeneration, and maxed out my melee blades
loving the game slicing people in 2 whilst i make my way through the levels :D
ill get another pic up to show you my HP level etc

but hers the weapons:

i use Excalibur's as main weapons (the little one handed swords)

EDIT // that's not quite right :confused:

I'll add you later if you're about Shi - I might have some parts to a Prime frame ready to assemble and some other blueprints that might come in handy if you want them.

I really shouldn't offer you these after you destroyed most of my Mclaren F1 GT speed records in Forza Horizon 4 :p
cant believe how much time I've been on this now
nearly done earth and Venus

just need more Endo to power up more, its getting hard
some missions i cant do on my own, luckily people join !

need to learn how to join others i suppose

and i still not really sure what im doing lol

need to level up, but keep doing missions over and over to get stuff i need lol
Just work through the quests and star map is my advice. Don't worry about best weapons/gear yet - use whatever trash weapons you have/can easily acquire to level your MR.

Go for Rhino after you maxed Excal - look at the wiki for info as I can't remember the details

If you can't do an area, you can always pause the 10 second timer before it starts until someone else joins.

Join a clan, there's lots and most are friendly and willing to help plus you get access to the clan dojo where you can purchase blueprints for warframes and weapons.
i think getting Rhino is going to be a long time away
still only got 50 platinum
ive looked it on warframe wiki and it looks like another crate open/money grabber system, but i also see there are other ways, but not as easy ! lol
Just added you @ShiWarrior - I had a quick look through the list of stuff I've accumulated and I've got the Blueprints and parts for Mirage Prime if you'd like those :)
well i built this, i guess , this is only "part" of the Rhino warframe
need the rest i guess to build it for less than 375 platinum!

I think from memory (its been a long while), there's three parts to the frame plus a warframe blueprint to put the three parts together (Neuroptics, Chassis, and something else) to build the frame itself. I'm certain you can get all the parts needed for Rhino, happy to grind it out until you get the bits later on :)

I definitely don't remember having to buy any parts of it, but it's been absolutely ages! lol

Edit: ah yeah this sounds familiar now:

You need to grind this fight until you get the three component blueprints. The Chassis and Neuroptics have a 38 percent chance to drop, while the Systems blueprint has a 22 percent chance. You can purchase the main Rhino blueprint from the Market for 35,000 credits.
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