Warhammer Competition - Paint a Space Marine!

9 Mar 2006
This is all getting swallowed in the Warhammer thread and we could use a separate thread for judging etc so here we go! Rules are as follows:

Tactical or Assault marine model (or equivalent for Space Wolves) only.
No Sternguard/Vanguard/Forge World/special characters etc
No large/third party bases, must be on supplied base but base can be decorated as desired.
Figure can be converted but don't go overboard (weapon swaps or green stuffing are fine for example).
Paint scheme must be original (no using current ones), come up with a name and little fluff piece to go with it.

Three prizes are available, will be based on:

1. Painting (Painting ability)
2. Modelling (conversion, pose, base etc)
3. Scheme (Paint scheme ignoring ability, fluff)

Prizes are:

Njal Stormcaller (old version, white metal, OOP, unpainted) donated by Shamikebab
Black Library books tbc donated by Aceytrixx
Space Marine Dreadnaught (new in box) donated by Spuj

It should be something new that you've painted since the competition started. This can't be checked so please be honest!

The final entry date is Midnight 15th December

Bolter and Chainsword have a fantastic tool for trying out schemes:

Space Marine Painter

People taking part:

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I havn't done any painting for (it has to be about) 8-9 years now.

However, I might give this a go, see if I'm actually any good, still!
Good ldea shami.

So we can add you to the list of competitors, yeah? :D

I havn't done any painting for (it has to be about) 8-9 years now.

However, I might give this a go, see if I'm actually any good, still!

The more the merrier, if you definately want to give it a go just post here confirming and your name will be added to the list :)
Yeah I'll give it a go, ive got a month or so to do it so should be interesting!

I'll have to pop into the shop to get some! :D
If people just want to buy one marine best to have a look on ebay, might be able to find some cheapish single models.

If worst comes to the worst I have some older marines I could mail out for cost of postage :)
I've got a few of the old metal marines but no arms, backpacks etc. If people can source the required spare parts I'm more than able to post them to who ever wants them.

Shami, what is that site called which sells loads of 40k bits? I might get all the relevant parts I need and enter this comp now the deadline has been extended
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Also Bolter and Chainsword have a fantastic tool for trying out schemes:

Space Marine Painter

Here's a tongue in cheek sample one :p

The Golden Codpieces

A descendent chapter of the Raven Guard, like them they focus on stealth combat techniques. Due to a tradition lost in time however each marine has his codpiece done in burnished gold, to represent one part of the Emperor's armour.

The last thing the enemy sees before they're destroyed is a golden codpiece coming out of the shadows.
I was very good back in the day. Won a competition at my local games workshop. I haven't done it in years though.
I remember painting these when I was younger. Never liked the game much but I liked crafting things and painting. Used to love it, I always thought about getting back into it but every time I look at the games workshop website or go into a store I just look at the prices of stuff and cringe :( It's so expensive and I swear more models are plastic now compared to when I was doing it where quite a lot was metal.

Space Marine Dreadnought is £28.00 for a plastic one. I'm sure I remember buying a full metal one for like £25.00.

Anyway's sorry for de-railing. Would be nice to see what people come up with though :)
Yeah more things are plastic and theres no metal really (which is a good thing) prices are getting far too high but in general the quality of the new kits is excellent.

Also I will be taking part in this. I have a box of assault marines coming to kitbash out 10 with backpacks for drop pods with some models I have lying around that kind of got dropped last week so I should have enough to have an assault marine to enter this with
After 5 years of playing Necrons I am physically incapable of painting anything other than the same Necron warrior design, over and over again.
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