Warhammer Competition - Paint a Space Marine!

Shami, how about another extension ? Say, midnight Dec 10th ?

It would give this new sub forum a bit more time to get more people involved. Just a suggestion and no pressure. Your call bud.
Haha, I didn't even realise the forum had been created :D

Yep I'm happy with that, in fact let's make it 15th December, gives the weekend. I need to start thinking bases.
Hmm... So tempted... Don't know if I will have any time to do this. I'll try and get one done but don't add me to the list for now. It depends on whether I can convince the Mrs that painting a toy soldier is a better idea than painting the living room (which I am meant to be doing)...
Will have a look now in my 40k box now and see any marines I've got.
Not many as I had a genestealer cult army (shows my age)
and later nid swarm - I still remember the first time over 100 nids were in close combat on turn 2 - that was a lot of attack dice :)

Edit: Found some
Original Plastic's (RTB01)
And a set of the very first metals (LE2 & C100)

Now I just need some paint... and time
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Ok my chosen marine (a grey hunter for a lost space wolf succesor chapter) is assembled and undercoated.

Ideas for colour schemes are currently playing through my head, I'm going to go do some base coating and see what works. :)
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