Warhammer Darktide Reveal

Added to wishlist.

Fatshark did a fantastic job with the Vermintide games.

Edit - Wonder if Games Workshop will use this as a cash in to bring some new armies to 40k.
Space Skaven? Or bring back the Squats?

We need Space Bardin and Space Cousin Okri!
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Colour me excited. Vermintide games were polished and well put together. I prefer the 40k setting so I'm all ready for this. 2021 though :(
Vermintide was/is great, but its USP is its melee-centric combat. This looks like another (presumably ammo-limited) shooter, while in the cool 40k universe, so what's separating it from the other coop wave-survival shooters like GTFO, Payday, etc?
Looking forward to this. Play a lot of Vermintide 2.

Got to admit though, I kinda wanted to see a "Vermintide" game or DLC with Orcs and Gobbos. As above, it's the melee combat that really makes the game. Like Left4Dead meets high fantasy.
Vermintide was/is great, but its USP is its melee-centric combat. This looks like another (presumably ammo-limited) shooter, while in the cool 40k universe, so what's separating it from the other coop wave-survival shooters like GTFO, Payday, etc?
That's exactly my thoughts when I saw this linked on a Discord yesterday. Love what I've seen of the 40k universe but wary that it might lean more towards gunnery than melee - which is what was so great in Vermintide. Granted even if it was gun heavy I'm sure it can still be fun, I hope all the playable characters are interesting like Vermintide! :D
Vermintide was/is great, but its USP is its melee-centric combat. This looks like another (presumably ammo-limited) shooter, while in the cool 40k universe, so what's separating it from the other coop wave-survival shooters like GTFO, Payday, etc?

The fact that it's Warhammer seems like a big first obvious & powerful distinction that shouldn't be glossed over. No doubt it will have its own spin on the gameplay as well. We only saw a teaser.
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