Warhammer Total War Confirmed

Well just had a quick, first half hour play after getting back from the pub. Went dwarfs as they are the faction I'm least interested in playing (saving best to last) and I was hugely impressed. Found the campaign screen a little confusing but I think that's a combination of being half cut and the cities not looking like cities as they are Orc hovels. Had 3 battles and whilst they weren't huge not the slightest sign of slow down despite being continually zoomed in to the max marvelling at the great graphics and watching my dwarfs whale on the Orcs.

Took the silver peak/path or whatever it was region in a couple of turns but I need my bed now, really looking forward to a good play through. Initial impressions are very positive.
Ok, I have been playing most of the day and I wish I had never bought this game... it's so addictive I fear for my health.

Performance wise I have no issues, it runs great on my 980m and SSD.

It's just an awesome game, I love the way they have implemented the cities and recruitment systems, its so much more accessible than any previous TW game I played.

Currently on turn 56 or so with Dwarves and man it takes me ages to get high tier units but I'm finally at the Level 4 weapons stage. I keep praying my main settlements outside of my home province will be ready for a defensive wall at some point, because otherwise I'm going to get owned soon.

This game is everything I hoped it would be. Must sleep...
Oh man I really do suck... I have made it to Turn 86 but I have made so many bad choices and have played such a defensive game that I am basically restricted to 4 main settlements and every faction is now going crazy, especially the orcs. Plus for some reason this time my relationship with the other dwarves is awful apart from with one who keeps trying to get me to help him make war on the other dwarves. Bah.

However, still, I have massively improved from last time where I had zero money, and even though I still am limited in funds that I can't field more than two armies, I am still holding my own. I was so stupid not to build an Engineers building in my main place and this too away all my main upgrade paths, so God knows how I've managed to hold on as long as I have. Currently trying to change that now and will do better next playthrough. :D

Overall I LOVE this game, it is by far the most enjoyable TW game I have ever played and I have not even touched the other races yet, not even to check out the units in battles etc. Everything just seems so good and so polished and I can't wait to actually get good at the game and start exploring it fully. God knows what I'll be like when the other races and mods come out, I'll probably quit my job, dump my gf, and live the life of a hermit, sitting in my own filth while shouting "NOO You Mother ******" as some AI unit does a dastardly takeover and I go back a few turns to see how I can avoid it.

It's just an awesome game so far, I am absolutely loving it. :)
So (as dwarves) I had trade going with everyone (pretty much all the human factions) and had pulled all the clans under my banners. The vamps were getting pushed hard though, started hitting the dwarf holds about the time chaos started properly rampaging.
Wiped out the greenskins completely and have all the south-east corner of the map (up to the river) but its looking like I needed to have my northern border more secure.
Slow-crushing defeat imminent by the look of it.

Totally love the way this plays, I usually roflstomp around the map in TW games, this ones definitely got a good balance going on. If you play dwarves I think getting the vampire counts dealt with (or at least keeping strong stacks in the holds up that end) is definitely needed.

Going to restart and give the dwarves another go. Quarrelers (crossbow unit) are amazing for breaking enemy troops. Just focus fire each unit till it breaks, switch as soon as it's routing and keep raking their line 1 group/unit at a time (again each time they come back) while the melee grind down any stacks that make it through :)

Turn 139 with the dwarves, all clans (but 1 tiny one) are grouped to me (once you're strong they're generally happy to join) but chaos from the north is a total wrecking ball once it gets going :) While you can't take other factions "ruins" it seems you can pay to re-populate you're own.
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Well I'm thoroughly enjoying myself as Dwarves (though I hate not having cavalary to chase down breaking units :p) At the moment I have my own area I started with and have had one clan join my confederacy (the one's from the very south east) so just focusing on killing Orcs/Gobs in the south then I look to confederate with the clan beginning with a "K" who are holding the north against the Vamps.

I just love battles so much, gone are the old TW days of auto generation, I just fight it out all the time. Fought my first seige and had about 1.8k agianst around 1.2k, didn't have any lag on max zoom. Storming the walls was so much fun then just when I thought i had an easy win they had 3 units of trolls waiting for me when I got off the walls. Luckily my lord was on top form and broke them.

I really want to try other factions but like others I'm just finding it so enjoyable I don't want to dot around too much yet, plus Dwarves were the faction I fancied least so getting them out the way makes sense.

Great game!
Getting random flicker and artifacts on my 980ti when running this game, I am running the the game-ready driver.

It's your overclock. Turn on adaptive vsync (in nvidia control panel, 3d settings) then when you get in game you just need to alt+tab once and back. It should be fine :)

Now turn 182, I stuck with it, dug in, moved armies up and taken out the vamps :D
I'm auto-resolving some fights but fighting most of them :)

Played rome, rome2 and this. This, by far, is the favourite :)
Yeah I have auto resolved when I have thousands against a few which is a pointless fight otherwise I'm all in :D

Getting irritated with the Orcs, feels like an episode of catch the pigeon and I'm Dick Dasterdly. I can't establish a proper front with them and despite having 3 armies in the field down in the south as soon as I think I have them pacified they pop up somewhere else and I waste more time chasing them down :p I have a fourth army but I need them up north as Zhufbar is slowly getting chewed up by the Vamps and can't leave the north undefeated.

Only just unlocked Longbeards, so can start getting better armies in the field at least now.
I'm mildly embarrassed to admit that so far even at turn 86 ive only fought against Orcs as the entire nation is at war with me. Everyone else is at peace or indifferent. :p

I think I'll start again and take Iron Rock a lot sooner as holding that and building walls is key to holding the lower area of my map. In fact building walls in general is a lifesaver in every settlement imo.

I really want to play today but again the OH is here and just wouldn't understand. :(
it's a lovely game but it was not beta tested properly.

I did some testing this morning and the results so far are that the game hates all overlay functions with the exception of the very latest afterburner beta. PX and fraps result in black screen on game load.

secondly, enabling adaptive vsync gives flickering, it looks like your card is broken.

once you enable windowed mode, not only does flicker go away but fps goes up 30%. for me this means 120-125fps in 1080p ultra with the 980ti running at stock with a 1430boost clock.

will now play a fresh campaign in windowed mode and see if my problems are gone.
it's a lovely game but it was not beta tested properly.

I did some testing this morning and the results so far are that the game hates all overlay functions with the exception of the very latest afterburner beta. PX and fraps result in black screen on game load.

secondly, enabling adaptive vsync gives flickering, it looks like your card is broken.

once you enable windowed mode, not only does flicker go away but fps goes up 30%. for me this means 120-125fps in 1080p ultra with the 980ti running at stock with a 1430boost clock.

will now play a fresh campaign in windowed mode and see if my problems are gone.

In the grand scheme of things these are neither important nor game breaking issues. The game is remarkably playable and polished.
In the grand scheme of things these are neither important nor game breaking issues. The game is remarkably playable and polished.

I'd agree with this. Just run the game in Windowed Mode + Vsync and your laughing, I've not had a single noticeable bug/glitch since.

My FPS could be better I believe but there are no nVidia drivers out yet so I'll wait for those.
lol rose tinted glasses or what.

if my game screen flickers like my card is broken then this does not constitute a polished game. many people won't have the knowledge to fiddle around like I have had to. looking at the war hammer forums I am not the only one.

anyway. windowed mode appears to have fixed my problems so play has now resumed.
lol rose tinted glasses or what.

if my game screen flickers like my card is broken then this does not constitute a polished game. many people won't have the knowledge to fiddle around like I have had to. looking at the war hammer forums I am not the only one.

anyway. windowed mode appears to have fixed my problems so play has now resumed.

It's one bug, which can be fixed extremely easily with options present within the game itself.

Yes, the game probably could have been polished better. However a bug or two is generally expected on release these days. I hope you never play a Bethesda game on release or you may have a heart attack.
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