Warhammer: Vermintide

Got this for £12 after seeing it in the bargains thread, which seems absurdly cheap for something I'm enjoying so much. I thought that for that price it was going to be fundamentally broken in a similar way to the last Batman game and I'd have to wait 3 months to play it without issue - so far so good though (yeah, famous last words)

I keep getting stuck with absolute wombats though, I failed the first 3 attempts of the first level on normal because of stupid team-mates going for a wander or not helping the team etc.
Playing as a dwarf and greatly enjoying shooting things!

Magnus tower completed on hard, ime to move on to a different map.

Is it nightmare level where friendly fire is on, or is that the level above?
Yeah nightmare is ranged and nades friendly fire. Waterfront is one of my favourite maps. Good fun, but that ogre makes it tough at the end on nightmare. Usually ends with a mad dash to the boat!
Anyone on now? Could do with hand with Black Powder. Completed all the rest, just need this one to progress :p Steam name: ic3ball or A| Frankie 'Dishpan' Santana. Thanks!
Picked this up, had a few games, seems really fun.

If anyone wants to add me on Steam for this I'm MockingbirdUK:


I've done at least one full mission with each class. Waywatcher (elf) seems the most fun, but dwarf (with shield) I feel like I'm contributing a lot more. BW I could not get used to the rhythm of the staff venting mechanic. Witch hunter is a close second for fun times - I wish the elf could get his rapier.
Decided to have a go at hard tonight and managed to pick up my 1st trinket! :D

I must be extremely lucky with pugs, I'd say I have an 80% success rate, only really had 1 bad team, was kind of a foreshadow that when I said "Hello" in chat, someone called me a ****. :rolleyes:
Do you level up/keep items at the end of the game or is it a case of every time you start a new game you collect items/levels again?
Do you level up/keep items at the end of the game or is it a case of every time you start a new game you collect items/levels again?

Levels are meaningless (no stat boost) but you keep them. Loot is 1 item per level-up and one per successful run, you keep that and can upgrade/reforge it in the inn between runs. You can change loadout/character in the inn, and change loadout right at the start of each run.
The tabletop games (from my limited experience) have some great players who are there for fun and enjoy it more when everyone has fun, then you get the "by the letter of the rule book regardless of if it makes sense"* players, and the idiots.

I've not played much vermintide, as my computer blew up after a few evenings of games, but it's a fun game and as a Skaven/Empire player I love it :)
It definitely helps that I play with a trio of friends who are warhammer/40k players.

*The sort of people who will take a poorly worded rule and use it to the maximum advantage at the expense of the game.

Usually a mixture of most of the first group and 1 or 2 of the later in every gaming group!

The "powergamer" gene :p

That said Vermintide is excellent if you're into horde-style games
I think miniature gaming (at least online) tends to refer to the 'power gamer' as a WAAC - Win At All Costs - gamer. The kind of people who will convert a miniature into a crouching pose to make it harder to shoot in games with line-of-sight rules that allow for it, will quibble over a 1mm gap, field armies of just the best troop possible regardless of flavour etc etc.
the wheat and chaff mission is a royal pain.

we did black powder a few nights ago and it was a real task then they patched it and now it is easy. sadly the spawn overlapping seems to be a little too crazy on wheat and chaff.

at one point a rat ogre spawned in the cut scene before the level and started attacking the characters before we even got to control them.

this game is decent enough and i do enjoy it but it feels very beta in some areas like they have done minimal playtesting. that said, i like how the devs are hammering updates into the game.
the wheat and chaff mission is a royal pain.

we did black powder a few nights ago and it was a real task then they patched it and now it is easy. sadly the spawn overlapping seems to be a little too crazy on wheat and chaff.

at one point a rat ogre spawned in the cut scene before the level and started attacking the characters before we even got to control them.

this game is decent enough and i do enjoy it but it feels very beta in some areas like they have done minimal playtesting. that said, i like how the devs are hammering updates into the game.

That happens when someone hits 'enter' and can move forward in the cut scene, it then sets off enemies.
Wheat and Chaff, fittingly enough, seems to help sort the good groups from the bad. Those able to persevere, take out the specials, regroup and keep going seem to be the right groups. Those who moan, run off and rage quit are quickly highlighted.

Someone posted on reddit that there's a route you can go that avoids the rat ogre completely in 8/10 tries of that map. It DOES mean you have to get all the sacks in one pass, meaning someone's playing sack-throw-leapfrog.
The rat ogre isn't even the real problem on that map, it's managing the storm vermin.

Did wheat and chaff with a few friends on nightmare before, then the rest of the side missions for the nightmare banner for our inn. It didn't help that one of our friends spilt coke all over himself and had to go afk for most of it but we managed.

Now on to cataclysm... haha.
Had a horrible time with this this weekend.

Bad groups or bad hosts for the most part.

One guy was 2/3 of the way through a mission when I joined, then 2 other people joined. We finished it just fine, and he refused to click 'next', instead listing all the categories he was top in (damage done etc...) and calling us all scrubs. When I pointed out he'd been in the level 3 times as long, he said some VERY unpleasant things, then quit, dibanding the group.

Another 2 games were on the White Rat - in both, the host crashed picking up the third barrel, which resets the level.

I finally got a decent game by hosting myself, we clubbed together and beat the level (hurrah - all levels now complete on normal). I'm level... 16 I think? So decided to try a hard level.

Chose a DPS class (WW), started, lagged so horribly that I found myself rubber-banding back about 100 yards into the middle of a pack of stormvermin with no teammates. The others immediately votekicked me (no blame there - whether incompetence or connection issue, you don't want someone pulling stormvermin on their own).

Basically, from 7-8 games this weekend, I had one good one that I was able to complete start to finish, one with an asshat, and 5-6 with connection problems. It seems to enjoy pairing me with hosts in Russia despite seeing several UK hosts in the server browser :(

Edit: Ta for the trust message... Excellent steam name :D
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Some fun rounds last night - cheers for those who looked me up! Managed to get into a run with a friend and his mate and it was substantially better than a pub in terms of fun AND success. Sorry for slow replies to those who messaged me from here - I was mid-run and didn't see the steam message popup.
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